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Devils Share Review | NGN

Added: 06.09.2015 20:19 | 19 views | 0 comments

NGN: In the world of small, independent PC games, it seems to be a bit of a crapshoot as to which games gain traction and garner mainstream attention. Despite being pretty heavily plugged into the world of digital entertainment, every now and again a title that Ive never heard of releases. Devils Share is one of those games. Despite being developed by a small, unknown developer, boasting an almost painfully cliche concept, and costing under a dollar, it has amassed hundreds of reviews on Steam in its first few days of existence. Unfortunately for this title, not all press is good press, and the game is getting a reputation for being one of the most completely broken, incoherent products released on the worlds most popular PC game distribution platform. For this review, allow me to take you on a narrative journey of my experience playing just the first few minutes of Devils Share.


Most Overlooked Wii U Games - Part Three

Added: 06.09.2015 10:17 | 15 views | 0 comments

SPC writes, "SuperPhillip Central continues its look at the wondrous world of overlooked games with Part Three of the Most Overlooked Wii U Games. Despite being a poor seller in the grand scheme of things, the Wii U library is full of plenty of variety. Some titles do well, while some do not. This series of articles talks about the latter."


Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 4 Escape Plan Bravo Review | Power Up Gaming

Added: 06.09.2015 8:20 | 40 views | 0 comments

Hayden Waugh writes: "Escape Plan Bravo does not deliver an edge-of-your-seat ending and is an unnecessarily bumpy ride. Despite an epic imaginary gun shootout with a crowd of Hyperion accountants, Telltale has left the season finale with all the work to do."


Why Video Game Movies Still Have a Future

Added: 05.09.2015 13:17 | 62 views | 0 comments

It is fair to say that video game adaptations on the big screen have mostly (if not all) been failures. They have gained a notorious reputation for being poor of quality. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is the highest grossing video game adaptation of all time, yet still received mostly negative feedback with an aggregate rating of 36% on Rotten Tomatoes. In present day, the situation doesnt seem to be improving, with Hitman: Agent 47s release this year being criticised as one of the worst video game adaptions of all time, despite gaining a box office income of $41 million (albeit only managing a profit of $6 million). Despite these bleak examples, there is still reason to be optimistic about the future of video game adaptations in cinema.


The Legend of Kay Anniversary Review | Entertainment Buddha

Added: 05.09.2015 10:17 | 23 views | 0 comments

EB: Despite its fresh new coat of paint, The Legend of Kay still feels firmly rooted in a console generation long since passed.


Pop Cults Reviews - Evoland 2: A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder

Added: 05.09.2015 9:17 | 13 views | 0 comments

Zach Starr of writes "This is a solid game; it looks nice and plays great. The short comings are the lack luster story and writing. I understand that this game is an homage to retro gaming, but this game can stand on its own without the constant references to the classics. I cant help but feel that the game suffers from this, a lot of the time the jokes felt forced and they are far too frequent. If this game was taken a bit more seriously it has the potential to be a modern day classic. Despite these things, I would recommend Evoland 2 to anyone that is a fan of action/adventure retro style games. "


The Legend of Kay Anniversary Review | Entertainment Buddha

Added: 05.09.2015 9:17 | 14 views | 0 comments

EB: Despite its fresh new coat of paint, The Legend of Kay still feels firmly rooted in a console generation long since passed.


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