Watch Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's First Trailer
Added: 08.04.2015 16:54 | 4 views | 0 comments
[UPDATE] The stream has now ended. You can watch the first Mankind Divided trailer above. In addition, Square Enix has revealed some new details about the game, which we've listed below. | MONG Podcast - 78 - Will We Ever See An Uncharted Collection?
Added: 08.04.2015 2:18 | 15 views | 0 comments
On this weeks MONG Podcast, the team discussed some of this weeks biggest gaming news like Quantum Breaks delay, Amazon possibly saving Crytek, Yokai Watch coming west, all of the Nintendo Direct news, and The Witcher 3s expansions.
Tags: Evil, Nintendo, With, Watch, Uncharted, Amazon, MORE, Podcast, Quantic, Direct, Nintendo Direct, Witcher
| Short Pause Podcast #22: Nintendo Direct, Rainbow Six Siege, How Will OnLive Tech Benefit Sony?
Added: 07.04.2015 23:21 | 16 views | 0 comments
The Short Pause crew chime in on the latest happenings within the video game industry. The topics this week include:
- Nintendo Direct breakdown and analysis
- Early impressions of the underrated Monster Hunter clone, Toukiden Kiwami, for the PlayStation 4 and Vita.
- Even MORE Mortal Kombat X news!
- The group holds a roundtable discussion about Sony's acquisition of OnLive and speculate on what it could mean for PlayStation.
- Rainbow Six Siege gameplay reactions
- And MORE!
Tags: Evil, Nintendo, PlayStation, With, Shoot, Live, Test, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, MORE, Podcast, Earth, Direct, Nintendo Direct, Mortal, Kombat, Mortal Kombat
| The Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem crossover isnt Fire Emblem at All
Added: 06.04.2015 17:17 | 35 views | 0 comments
Technology Tell writes, "After over two years of silence, Nintendo and Atlus revealed a gameplay trailer for the Shin Megami Tensei-Fire Emblem crossover project during the April 1, 2015 Nintendo Direct stream. Originally announced as Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem and now named Illusory Revelations#FE in Japan, the Wii U game looks lush and sweeping. It looks to have a multifaceted narrative, massive enemy creatures and flashy attacks.
It looks like a lot of things, but the one thing it never looks like is Fire Emblem."
Tags: Nintendo, Technology, Test, After, Shop, The Show, Fire, April, Fire Emblem, Emblem, Megami, Megami Tensei, Tensei, Shin Megami, Direct, Nintendo Direct
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