Fire Emblem - Choose Your Path Trailer
Added: 02.04.2015 0:01 | 7 views | 0 comments
Check out this trailer for Fire Emblem as seen on the Nintendo Direct from April 1st.
| Mario Kart 200cc Nintendo Direct Reveal
Added: 01.04.2015 23:49 | 10 views | 0 comments
A new class of racer is being added to Mario Kart -- 200cc!
| New Fire Emblem Hoshido and Nohr Nintendo Direct Footage
Added: 01.04.2015 23:44 | 8 views | 0 comments
Get a look at the Hoshido and Nohr, two lineages you'll have to choose between in the new Fire Emblem.
| Wii U Virtual Console Getting N64 and Nintendo DS Games
Added: 01.04.2015 23:31 | 22 views | 0 comments
Virtual Console.To accommodate the unique control setups of those systems, you'll have several customization options for button layouts and (for the DS) how the game will display across the Wii U GamePad and your TV screen. The price will be $10 to $13 for N64 games. If you've bought a title previously on the Wii Virtual Console, the update will only cost $2. Nintendo DS games will cost between $7 and $10. The first set of titles available immediately following the Direct presentation are: - Yoshi's Island -- $10
- Mario 64 -- $10
Titles we'll get later down the line include: - Donkey Kong 64 -- 4/16 -- $10
- Mario Kart DS -- 4/23 -- $10
- Paper Mario -- 4/30 -- $10
- Yoshi Touch & Go 4/9 -- $10
- WarioWare Touched -- 4/9 -- $10
Tags: Nintendo, Mario, Wake, Kong, Donkey Kong, Donkey, Island, Paper, Virtues, Console, GamePad, Karl, Direct
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