Friday, 27 December 2024
News with tag Dont  RSS
Digital High Fun with Titanfall, 1886 Underwhelming, and Does Resolution Matter?

Added: 25.02.2014 10:16 | 2 views | 0 comments

Entertainment Fuse: The crew of your favorite podcast, Digital High, are back with a few returning helpers. Donna is here to say her farewell, finally, and Joshua is back to lend his voice, along with Vincent, regarding the recent Titanfall beta. Aaron isnt left out as he chimes in as well. - Lightning Returns Final Impressions 2:54 - Titanfall Impressions 11:20 - The Order: 1886 49:52 - Irrational Games Layoffs 1:06:49 - Doom Beta Packaged With Upcoming Wolfenstein 1:17:35 - Minecraft Mini-Games 1:21:24 - Resolution Differences Between Games 1:28:20


The Pocket Gamer Awards 2014 are live!

Added: 11.02.2014 11:45 | 5 views | 0 comments

The Pocket Gamer Awards 2014 are live! "Ooooooh, love to love you, baby," a naughty Donna Summer sang back in 1975, brilliantly encapsulating the modern world's continuing affection for awards. Admittedly, she may have had other things on her mind. Nevertheless, Summer's lyric embodies the attitude with which we encourage you to approach our Pocket Gamer Awards 2014. Five alive With these awards - now in their fifth year - ...


Melting Donut Decoration

Added: 24.01.2014 16:42 | 7 views | 0 comments

Bring your dream donut in front of you by glazing it with chocolates or your favorite colors. Make the delicacy more tempting with best sprinkles and complete the picture with great beverages, cakes and even plates.

Tags: Mask, Dont

Trophy Whores 145 The Beatles are Huge In .

Added: 21.01.2014 15:20 | 12 views | 0 comments

The news is in short supply but that doesnt stop the guys from bringing you a show. Join Tricky, Yield, and Donny as they welcome back NMReign to discuss HBO GO, who is cheating in GTAO, why devs need to start re-thinking trophy lists, and much much more

Tags: John, Huge, Dont

Donna Burke back in the recording studio for Metal Gear Solid V

Added: 31.10.2013 18:20 | 14 views | 0 comments

Donna Burke, Australian singer and actress, is back in the recording studio to work on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.


Donna Burke back in the recording studio for Metal Gear Solid V

Added: 31.10.2013 18:20 | 6 views | 0 comments

Donna Burke, Australian singer and actress, is back in the recording studio to work on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.


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