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Does Owning More Than One Gaming Platform Make Any Sense?

Added: 08.09.2015 8:19 | 11 views | 0 comments

Keith from The Outerhaven writes: Recently there was a thread I was involved with on NeoGAF, you can check out that thread here. The question that was asked was regarding owning multiple consoles and does it make sense anymore, especially since the number of 3rd party games outnumber the 1st party games. After skimming over several pages of that conversation, the answer I commonly noticed was that many gamers, including myself, tend to own multiple systems due to several factors including exclusive 1st party titles such as Halo, Uncharted, Super Mario, considering that many choose not to miss out on them. Makes perfect sense, right? Yet, at the same time, the counter-argument was that owning a system for just one or two games was pure insanity, a good point as well.


The Phantom Pain: DDs Sound Effects make Real Life Dogs React

Added: 08.09.2015 5:17 | 32 views | 0 comments

SegmentNext - Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain has tons of things that you can be impressed by; however, many of the AAA titles do. What makes this one stands apart is the attention to detail.


Does Owning More Than One Gaming Platform Make Any Sense?

Added: 08.09.2015 5:17 | 7 views | 0 comments

Keith from The Outerhaven writes: Recently there was a thread I was involved with on NeoGAF, you can check out that thread here. The question that was asked was regarding owning multiple consoles and does it make sense anymore, especially since the number of 3rd party games outnumber the 1st party games. After skimming over several pages of that conversation, the answer I commonly noticed was that many gamers, including myself, tend to own multiple systems due to several factors including exclusive 1st party titles such as Halo, Uncharted, Super Mario, considering that many choose not to miss out on them. Makes perfect sense, right? Yet, at the same time, the counter-argument was that owning a system for just one or two games was pure insanity, a good point as well.


Show, Dont Tell: Interactivity and Corpse of Discovery

Added: 08.09.2015 2:17 | 5 views | 0 comments

When it comes to adventure games, good writing walks hand-in-hand with game design. Without any challenge or conflict, theres not much substance for the player.

Tags: When, Down

Uncharted 4 Having Single Player DLC Is Risky, Has To Be Amazing

Added: 08.09.2015 0:17 | 38 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "It is not an exaggeration to say that Naughty Dogs Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End is one of the most highly anticipated PS4 games of next year, if not one of the most anticipated games for any platform. Uncharted 4 is also getting attention due to the fact that this is going to be the final game in the series for protagonist Nathan Drake, and possibly for the entire series. With this being a possible conclusion to the series, Naughty Dog and Sony are taking a bit of a risk by announcing that the game will actually have DLC."


Doom Trailer Shows Us How Powerful The Level Editor Is

Added: 08.09.2015 0:12 | 61 views | 0 comments

Bethesda and id Software have been slowly rolling out new details for the upcoming 2016 release of Doom. The latest video trailer shows gamers how quickly, easy and powerful the new level editor is and what sort of tools will be at their disposal.


Uncharted 4 Having Single Player DLC Is Risky, Has To Be Amazing

Added: 07.09.2015 22:17 | 10 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "It is not an exaggeration to say that Naughty Dogs Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End is one of the most highly anticipated PS4 games of next year, if not one of the most anticipated games for any platform. Uncharted 4 is also getting attention due to the fact that this is going to be the final game in the series for protagonist Nathan Drake, and possibly for the entire series. With this being a possible conclusion to the series, Naughty Dog and Sony are taking a bit of a risk by announcing that the game will actually have DLC."


The Phantom Pains open-world shift is a massive risk for Metal Gear Solid, but it pays off

Added: 07.09.2015 10:18 | 15 views | 0 comments

Gaetano Prestia of MMGN writes: Prior to the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Id played the game for almost two hours at various events. Each time the hosts would give us a rundown of the basics and then essentially let us roam free to do whatever we wanted, however we wanted. Heres a little insight into video game preview events: that sort of flexibility and freedom is rare. In hindsight, it certainly suited the style and design of The Phantom Pain, a game that loudly distances itself from the linearity and at-times overbearing narrative drive of its predecessors. Since the games release Ive put in roughly 20 hours, and find myself a mere 12 percent through. Reflecting upon my many mindless playthroughs of the game so far, it had me thinking about the games place within the open-world genre. Does an open-world suit Metal Gear Solid, and is The Phantom Pain really among the genres best?


The Phantom Pains open-world shift is a massive risk for Metal Gear Solid, but it pays off

Added: 07.09.2015 8:18 | 11 views | 0 comments

Gaetano Prestia of MMGN writes: Prior to the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Id played the game for almost two hours at various events. Each time the hosts would give us a rundown of the basics and then essentially let us roam free to do whatever we wanted, however we wanted. Heres a little insight into video game preview events: that sort of flexibility and freedom is rare. In hindsight, it certainly suited the style and design of The Phantom Pain, a game that loudly distances itself from the linearity and at-times overbearing narrative drive of its predecessors. Since the games release Ive put in roughly 20 hours, and find myself a mere 12 percent through. Reflecting upon my many mindless playthroughs of the game so far, it had me thinking about the games place within the open-world genre. Does an open-world suit Metal Gear Solid, and is The Phantom Pain really among the genres best?


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