ZaciSa: Defense of the Crayon Dimension! Dated for Europe, Aims to Draw You In With a Discount
Added: 29.07.2015 16:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Fully updated with improvements from NA launch version
| Is it Ethical to Drug Test eSport Athletes
Added: 29.07.2015 7:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Being a "real sport" means acting like the pros do.
| Pressurecast Eighty-Eight: Drug Testing Comes To Pro Gaming
Added: 28.07.2015 22:18 | 14 views | 0 comments
Pro Gamers On Adderall? Rise Of The Tomb Raider On PS4? A New Nintendo President? Yes! Yes! Kinda! On This Weeks PressureCast!
| Taiko Drum Master Vita Game Doesn't Allow Screenshots, So I Went Old School
Added: 26.07.2015 17:19 | 7 views | 0 comments
"I would have loved to use Vita's screenshot function to show you some shots of my time with Taiko Drum Master: V Version, just like I did with several other games. Bandai Namco, however, wishes instead for its good-looking game to appear to you as total shit. And I am a granter of wishes." -GR
| Taiko Drum Master Vita Game Doesn't Allow Screenshots, So I Went Old School
Added: 26.07.2015 10:28 | 9 views | 0 comments

I would have loved to use Vita's screenshot function to show you some shots of my time with Taiko Drum Master: V Version, just like I did with Persona 4: Dancing All Night and several other games. Bandai Namco, however, wishes instead for its good-looking game to appear to you as total shit. And I am a granter of wishes.
The picture at the top of this post is the end credits rolling by after the end of the RPG mode, which was pretty fun, and also the source of a lot of the "screenshots" you see in that gallery.
| What Games Are You Destroying? July 25, 2015
Added: 25.07.2015 13:00 | 16 views | 0 comments
So is anyone here actually playing the new Godzilla game? The two versions (PS3 and PS4) sold, like, under 10,000 units apiece in Japan, so I know the market isn't huge. Just wondering what you think of it, if you're playing.
Me? Oh, good of you to ask. I'm just finishing up the RPG mode in that Taiko Drum Master Vita game I talked about last week. The fucking thing doesn't let me take my own screenshots, though, so my review is going to be filled with dumb photos from a camera pointed at my Vita. In Bandai Namco would rather have its game presented to you as something that looks like ass, then I suppose that's just the way things have to be. After all, they released Godzilla, didn't they?
| Phoenix Down 40.2 - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Added: 24.07.2015 19:22 | 22 views | 0 comments
Phoenix Down is hosted by Drew Leachman and Matt Quinn. Each segment focuses on an older game the duo decides upon with another member of the ZTGD crew or special guest. They play through and discuss the mechanics and how well it holds up today. It is the ultimate in backlog elimination.
The year of the Gear continues.
Drew Leachman
Matt Quinn
Tags: Mask, Easy, Gear, Phoenix, Metal, Metal Gear, Solid, Down, Drop, Gear Solid, Gulf
| ZTGD | No Time to Explain Review
Added: 24.07.2015 17:19 | 10 views | 0 comments
Drew Leachman: writes I dont mind the trial and error puzzle platformer games, as long as a few stipulations are met. The first one being a quick reset; if I die and Im not back in the action within two or three seconds, I feel like Im wasting my time. The second criteria would be precise controls. If I die in these types of games, it has to be because I messed up somehow, not that the game has a clunky control scheme. While No Time to Explain does well with the first issue, the second is a bit of a different story.
| ZTGD | No Time to Explain Review
Added: 24.07.2015 16:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Drew Leachman: writes I dont mind the trial and error puzzle platformer games, as long as a few stipulations are met. The first one being a quick reset; if I die and Im not back in the action within two or three seconds, I feel like Im wasting my time. The second criteria would be precise controls. If I die in these types of games, it has to be because I messed up somehow, not that the game has a clunky control scheme. While No Time to Explain does well with the first issue, the second is a bit of a different story.
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