ZTGD | Runbow Review
Added: 31.08.2015 15:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
Drew Leachman writes: Every once in a while, there will come a game that doesnt actually click for me in the beginning, but after putting some time into it, I see just how fun it really is. Runbow is one of those games. When I first booted the game up, I was a bit down on the game, but after having the controls click with me and experiencing the multiplayer, I now suggest this to pretty much every Wii U owner.
| Watch: The Fast and the Furious Drag Race Scene Recreated Using GTAV Editor
Added: 28.08.2015 21:00 | 39 views | 0 comments

Since April there have been many impressive videos made using Grand Theft Auto V's Editor. The latest to hit YouTube is one of the greatest demonstrations of its potential yet.
YouTube user DomesticMango has uploaded a video that replicates the famous The Fast and the Furious drag scene between Brian O'Connor played by Paul Walker and Dominic Toretto played by Vin Diesel. The scene shows both characters racing from a stop light down a stretch of road with a railroad crossing at the quarter mile mark. The video was produced with the actual audio track from the film synced over in-game video cuts that mimic the film, with recreations of the Toyota Supra and Dodge Charger R/T for authenticity.
| Phoenix Down 42.0 - Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Added: 28.08.2015 18:19 | 34 views | 0 comments
Phoenix Down is hosted by Drew Leachman and Matt Quinn. Each segment focuses on an older game the duo decides upon with another member of the ZTGD crew or special guest. They play through and discuss the mechanics and how well it holds up today. It is the ultimate in backlog elimination.
The final entry in the Year of the Gear before the Phantom Pain.
Drew Leachman
Matt Quinn
Tags: Mask, Easy, Gear, Phoenix, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Yeah, Down, Drop, Gear Solid, Ground
| ZTGD | 3D Gunstar Heroes (3DS) Review
Added: 27.08.2015 16:18 | 21 views | 0 comments
Drew Leachman writes: Adding to the Sega 3D Classics list, Gunstar Heroes drops on the 3DS. One of the best side scrolling shooters to come out, it adds not only 3D support, but multiple different options for both controls and game play.
| PlayStation 2: From A to Z - The Letter "A"
Added: 26.08.2015 16:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
Drew Leachman writes: The From A to Z series lets our editors go back and take a look at games from past generations that are classics, overlooked gems, or just titles they remember fondly. The idea behind this is to pick five games from each letter of the alphabet, once a week to showcase. This delivers 26 weeks and 130 games to talk about. Hopefully it sparks some conversation, and of course plenty of memories.
Our second series will focus on Sonys sophomore entry into the console business, the PlayStation 2.
Lets start with the letter A.
| N4G Radio 08/24/2015
Added: 24.08.2015 17:20 | 28 views | 0 comments
Fifty Shades of Gray Fox.
This weeks show goes places. Horror, dudebros, and even some weird descriptions of things rather not discussed.
Ken McKown
Jason Gambrel
Drew Leachman
Justin Celani
Games Covered
Until Dawn
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
The Adventures of Pip
No Time to Explain
and more
| N4G Radio 08/24/2015
Added: 24.08.2015 16:18 | 19 views | 0 comments
Fifty Shades of Gray Fox.
This weeks show goes places. Horror, dudebros, and even some weird descriptions of things rather not discussed.
Ken McKown
Jason Gambrel
Drew Leachman
Justin Celani
Games Covered
Until Dawn
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
The Adventures of Pip
No Time to Explain
and more
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