On the last day of TGS, Stefanie Joosten and Donna Burke stopped by
Added: 21.09.2015 1:19 | 127 views | 0 comments
Today was the last day of the Tokyo Game Show 2015, where Konami showed off Metal Gear Online and fans were lining up to play the game for themselves. During the day several cast members from MGSV stopped by: Quiet actress Stefanie Joosten, iDroid voice and singer Donna Burke and the Japanese voice actor for Ocelot.
Tags: Online, Gain, Gear, Japanese, Metal, Metal Gear, Shop, Today, Dont, Konami, During
| Metal Gear Online at Tokyo Game Show Day 2 Day 3 - photos and videos
Added: 20.09.2015 14:19 | 117 views | 0 comments
During the second and third day of the Tokyo Game Show more Metal Gear Online matches were held.
| Watch Bloodborne: The Old Hunters' Awesome New Gameplay; New Circular Saw/Mace Weapon Announced
Added: 20.09.2015 12:17 | 83 views | 0 comments
During a stage show at Tokyo Game Show, livestreamed on Nico Nico, Sony gave an extensive look at the gameplay of Bloodborne's expansion: The Old Hunters, and showcased a never-seen-before weapon, that transforms from a mace to a gruesome two-handed circular saw.
| Metal Gear Online at Tokyo Game Show Day 2 Day 3 - photos and videos
Added: 20.09.2015 11:17 | 68 views | 0 comments
During the second and third day of the Tokyo Game Show more Metal Gear Online matches were held.
| Persona 5 Anime Announced At The Persona Special Stage
Added: 20.09.2015 3:17 | 107 views | 0 comments
During the Persona Special Stage at Tokyo Game Show 2015, Atlus announced a Persona 5 anime.
| The Star Ocean Series Is Back, Heres Why Its Still Fun | GameInformer
Added: 19.09.2015 10:17 | 122 views | 0 comments
"Star Ocean will always hold a special place in my heart, earning its claim to fame for its engaging action-battle system, copious customization options, and multiple eclectic party members. The sci-fi RPG entries felt like diamonds in the rough in their heyday. Unfortunately, later entries didn't quite share the same magic. Star Ocean 3: Until The End Of Time had a plot twist that divided gamers, amid other issues, while Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope had an abysmal story and annoying characters to boot. The future looked uncertain with the disappointment many fans found with The Last Hope. But just recently Square Enix announced a comeback for the series with Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithfulness. During this year's TGS, I went hands-on with the game, and it reminded me why I enjoyed these games in the first place."
Tags: Star, Last, Time, Hold, The Last, Series, Square, Enix, Square Enix, Still, During
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