Square Enix Reveal Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna For PS4 And Vita
Added: 15.09.2015 12:17 | 11 views | 0 comments
During this evenings SCEJA Press Conference 2015, Square Enix and Tokyo RPG Factory announced Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna for PS4 and Vita with a new trailer.
| Dragon Quest Builders Dated for Japan
Added: 15.09.2015 9:17 | 45 views | 0 comments
During Sony Computer Entertainment Japans Press Conference tonight, Square Enix Announced the Dragon Quest Builders release date.
| Uncharted 4 Will Wrap Up Loose Ends, Include Things Old Fans Will Like Without Forgetting Newcomers
Added: 15.09.2015 0:17 | 54 views | 0 comments
During a livestream on Twitch, Naughty Dog Writer Josh Scherr and Lead Animator Eric Baldwin talked about what you can expect from the story of Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End.
| 7.62mm
Added: 14.09.2015 23:19 | 49 views | 0 comments
Game Cheats:
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During gameplay press '~' (tilde) key to bring down the console and enter the following...
| Street Fighter 5's New Character Rashid Has Been Revealed
Added: 11.09.2015 15:27 | 65 views | 0 comments
 Capcom has announced a brand-new character for Street Fighter 5 called Rashid. During a games event in Dubai, they showed off the first gameplay footage of the fighter.
| Street Fighter V To Be Available In Playable Form During The Tokyo Game Show 2015
Added: 11.09.2015 11:17 | 42 views | 0 comments
GS:" Street Fighter V is one of the more anticipated titles launching next year on PlayStation 4 and PC and fans of the series are always looking forward to more reveals and gameplay footage. More on the game is going to come next week, as the game is going to be available in playable form during one of the more important events of the video games industry."
| Microsoft: Xbox One Is “Literally a Windows Device”
Added: 10.09.2015 16:22 | 217 views | 0 comments

It's a official, Xbox One is a bona fide Windows 10 device. Well... that is, according to Microsoft's chief marketing officer Chris Capossela, anyway.
During this year's Citi Global Technology Conference (via Dualshockers), Capossela discussed the future of Windows 10, rattling off a number of devices built for the platform, including Xbox One. "[A] core power metric for us is Windows 10 devices. ThatÄ‚Ë€â„Ës not a PC statement," he explained. "That will be phones, that will be tablets, that will be laptops, that will be desktops, that will be big surface hubs, that will be Xboxes.
Also See: Windows 10: A How-To Guide to Streaming Xbox One Games to PC
"Xboxes today run Windows, and so every time we sell an Xbox weÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre actually creating a Windows active device that hopefully people [will] love it, itÄ‚Ë€â„Ës their gaming device, in their living room. It is not a separate animal. It is literally a Windows device."
Tags: City, Games, Technology, Xbox, Also, Guild, Windows, Conference, Global, Chris, Xbox One, During
| Crossout's creators detail the upcoming vehicular MMO-shooter
Added: 10.09.2015 16:17 | 18 views | 0 comments
Targem Games are working with publisher and War Thunder developer Gaijin Entertainment on Crossout, a new vehicular-based MMO-shooter. During Gamescom we had a chance to talk to studio boss Stanislav Skorb, who had plenty to tell us about the game.
"Crossout is arcade MMO action. It consists of two parts, both of them equally important. The first is the combat, the fighting with the vehicles, the machines. And the second is constructing, building, creating these vehicles or machines."
We asked about what you need to get started, to which Skorb said: "Basically to move you just need the wheels, the engine and the cabin," says Skorb. "That's the basic parts. Then you can add armour, you can add guns, all kinds of modules, many, many, things."
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