Monday, 10 March 2025
News with tag English  RSS
To dub or not to dub: that is the question

Added: 03.03.2014 18:19 | 1 views | 0 comments

In Spain English is taught from a very early age. Unfortunately, for personal and professional reasons, many Spaniards can't understand a movie or a video game in Shakespeare's language. It might not seem like a big deal to some of our readers, but let us not forget that much of the international media that Spain consumes comes from English speaking countries. From The Simpsons, to Jersey Shore, to hearing Rihanna in the discotecas, English is everywhere. So with a largely non-English speaking public, what is there to do? To dub or not to dub that is the question.

Tags: Space, English

TERA Korea A quick look at the gameplay for Soul Reaper class

Added: 02.03.2014 18:15 | 5 views | 0 comments

Added to the Korean server back in January, the new class exclusive to the Elin race will be arriving for the Japan server next, followed by the English server this spring/summer. She is named as Soul Reaper in the Japan server, and here is a quick look at her gameplay style.


Wolfenstein: The New Order Preview | GeekBomb

Added: 01.03.2014 10:15 | 2 views | 0 comments

GeekBomb: Playing the first 3 hours of the game certainly had me hooked, the game feels really polished even at this stage, the mechanics are solid and its visually impressive to boot. Though the question still remains, why do all of the Nazis still speak English all the time?


Fantasy Frontier - Water Dragon and Baldur arrives in latest update

Added: 28.02.2014 16:15 | 8 views | 0 comments

Also known as Aura Kingdom for the English server, Fantasy Frontier today welcomed new content in the Taiwan version.


Freedom Wars Hands-On: The Ibara Hookshot Is A Hunting Game Changer | Siliconera

Added: 28.02.2014 10:15 | 6 views | 0 comments

Siliconera: Before you learn how to fully utilize the Ibara whip, Freedom Wars plays quite similarly to other games of its ilk. I was certainly getting a God Eater vibe when I went hands-on with an English demo build of Freedom Wars. In both games you always have access to a melee weapon (a machete, in the demo) as well as a ranged option (sniper rifle).

Tags: Gain, Wake, English

Review: Professor Layton the Azran Legacy (Pure Nintendo)

Added: 28.02.2014 2:15 | 7 views | 0 comments

Pure Nintendo: "Professor Layton is hanging up his top hat for what we have been told is his final adventure. Being an English gentleman myself, I will miss having a tea-drinking hero who enjoys the finer things in life in an industry congested with macho, gun-toting lead characters. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy may not be the most cohesive or charming tale weve seen the puzzle solving Professor undergo, but the games amusing dialogue, endearing cast of characters and abundance of content all help to make Professor Layton and the Azran a solid title and a fitting conclusion to the Layton legacy. Professor Layton will be greatly missed but certainly not forgotten."


Review: Thief (PS4)

Added: 27.02.2014 15:32 | 33 views | 0 comments

Call of Snoop-y.

Eidos Montreal’s Thief sits somewhere between those two camps. This is a handsome offering, with fluid first-person stealth through a gorgeously-lit approximation of an 19th century English city called, imaginatively, The City. It’s a gloomy and restrictive pseudo open-world, like Dishonored’s Dunwall without the character, and is largely segregated into corridors and alleyways, shuffling hooded antihero Garrett between missions.

The missions – thefts, basically – are where the game harkens back to its roots, offering greater scope for varied approaches as you creep...


Weapon Shop de Omasse Review (Invision Game Community)

Added: 27.02.2014 7:15 | 19 views | 0 comments

Weapon Shop de Omasse is a game developed and published by Level-5, a company well known for their Dark Cloud games back in 2000 and more recently their White Knight Chronicles Series and Ni No Kuni releases. Weapon Shop de Omasse was first released in Japan back in November 2012 and took until February 2014 to be brought to the English speakers of the world. In its simplest, Weapon Shop is a Fantasy Rhythm game with some slight shop management simulation thrown in, but is it worth the purchase?


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