Friday, 14 March 2025
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The Battle Cats - Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Added: 21.09.2014 18:12 | 8 views | 0 comments

WP - "The Battle Cats is a completely bizarre newish tower defense game for the iOS and Android. While it has been out in Japan since 2013, Battle Cats has never been translated to English until now. Think a cross between Alpaca Evolution and your traditional Tower Defense style games with this oddball, as you quest throughout the world, defeating cat armies from country after country."


Planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~ Review [Capsule Computers]

Added: 20.09.2014 14:12 | 5 views | 0 comments

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes: "Despite this, there remained one company, Key, that has always had a reputation for creating great stories but none of this Keys products were ever officially released in English. That is until Sekai Project announced that they were working with Key to release an official English version of Planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~ on Steam. Now that this older visual novel has been released, is it a worth picking up?"


On game updates and DLC - how much should we expect for free?

Added: 20.09.2014 9:00 | 23 views | 0 comments

Ed is a bit mystified by the outrage around some of GTA V's free add-ons.
To quote Dr Samuel Johnson, creator of the first English dictionary, "when a man is tired of free rollercoaster rides in Grand Theft Auto V, he is tired of life". And if you're among those tired of free rollercoaster rides in GTA V, I'll confess to being a little tired of you.


A small list of our favourite Scottish videogame characters

Added: 19.09.2014 23:16 | 2 views | 0 comments

You may have heard, but today is a pretty big day for Scotland. Before you panic about an impending fried Mars bar tax, [they] are of course talking about the vote for Scotlands independence. Being a mature bunch at The Metropolist, [they] have resisted the temptation to begin with och, aye, the noo! or a joke about imminent Scottish Freeeeeeeeedom! and instead will plough on in our inimical English way into a lovingly-created list [they] like to call: A Wee List O Ma Favourite Bonnie Scottish Laddies an Lassies in Videogames. Translation: A Small List Of Our Favourite Scottish Videogame Characters


Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters English Trailer (HD)

Added: 19.09.2014 20:09 | 21 views | 0 comments

From the developers of Deadly Premonition and featuring music from Nobuo Uematsu, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters is a brand new visual novel that offers a unique battle system and an immersive tale of life, death, and the space in between. As an ordinary transfer student you start life at Kurenai Academy in Shinjuku. On your first day touring the new school grounds, you quickly encounter something supernatural, which throws you headfirst into the world of ghost hunting. You must come face to face with ghosts as you blur the line between life and death.


ArcheAge Review | MMOGames

Added: 19.09.2014 4:12 | 10 views | 0 comments

The highly anticipated MMORPG from XL games is finally sailing its way to a western audience. Although the game has been playable for some time in Korea, Trion has made numerous localization changes for the English launch. At a quick glance ArcheAge may look like a run of the mill tab target MMO. Theres a pretty good chance you might even be tempted to uninstall after the first hour or so. Its understandable that first impressions go a long way, but dont be fooled the experience is remarkably deep. Read more.


Bandai Namco Announces English Version of Genkai Tokki Moero Chronicle

Added: 17.09.2014 8:12 | 11 views | 0 comments

During Sonys TGS conference tonight in Tokyo, it was announced that Bandai Namco will be producing an English version of Genkai Tokki Moerochronicle.


New Conquest mode details for Super Smash Bros. 3DS

Added: 17.09.2014 7:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

Super Smash Bros. Director Masahiro Sakurai has revealed new details about Conquest mode, including an image of the mode's English title screen.


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