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Atlus Releases 3 New Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Character Trailers

Added: 23.07.2014 21:13 | 6 views | 0 comments

Its trailer overload from Atlus today as theyve released 3 new English character trailers for Persona 4 Arena Ultimaxs newest combatants: Yukari Takeba in her Feather Pink Phoenix Ranger suit, Persona 4s mega-idol Rise Kujikawa, and the baseball bat-wielding King of Klutzs, Junpei Iori.


Fairy Fencer F Screens 23 July 2014

Added: 23.07.2014 20:16 | 1 views | 0 comments

The first English batch of screenshots out now


Best New MMORPG 2014 Open Beta Games

Added: 23.07.2014 14:13 | 6 views | 0 comments

Out with the old, in with the new. For people who are sick of the same old massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) they have been playing all this time, here is a list of the newest and best MMO games of 2014. This includes open beta games and newly launched free to play MMORPGs. Closed beta MMOs and those that are not yet in English are not included.


Mabinogi Heroes New character video and images leaked

Added: 23.07.2014 11:13 | 51 views | 0 comments

First teased last week, Arisha will be the latest playable character to join Mabinogi Heroes, otherwise known as Vindictus in the English market. Her true looks were not shown, but apparently images and even a video of her was found by eager gamers, and picked up by Inven.


Class of Heroes 2G PlayStation 3 Dual Screen Play Demo

Added: 23.07.2014 10:41 | 1 views | 0 comments

This is a demonstration of the optional dual-screen play in the upcoming English release of Class of Heroes 2G for the PlayStation 3. With this feature, exclusive to the English release, a player can choose to use any PSP or PS Vita as the controller for the game, and the screen on those units will display additional information that's relevant to what's happening on-screen. The second screen can display detailed information about the monsters players are battling (including what drops they have), the currently selected character's stats, the map for the current Labyrinth (if a physical map is bought or magic map is cast), as well as the overworld map and a comprehensive player stat screen.


Sakura Spirit Review [Capsule Computers]

Added: 22.07.2014 0:13 | 8 views | 0 comments

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes: "Japan has long held dominance over the visual novel market. For every twenty visual novels released in Japanese, English speaking audiences are lucky to receive even one official English release. As such when Sekai Project and MangaGamer released the English developed Sakura Spirit it came as quite a surprise that even caught Japanese fans of the genre off guard. The question is, now that Winged Cloud has released Sakura Spirit, was this surprise a pleasant one?"


Fatal Frame Trailer with English Subtitles

Added: 21.07.2014 18:13 | 11 views | 0 comments

A few days ago Koei Tecmo officially unveiled Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden on Wii U with a live stream of gameplay as well as screenshots and details. The game is currently only announced for release in Japan, so all of the reveal footage was obviously in Japanese. However, a version of the trailer with English subtitles has been uploaded, so you can understand exactly what's going on. You might need to turn on the Closed Captioning to get the subtitles to work.


First English Fairy Fencer F Screenshots Released

Added: 20.07.2014 7:13 | 2 views | 0 comments

Hardcore Gamer: NIS America has released the first English batch of screenshots for Fairy Fencer F. I


First English Fairy Fencer F Screenshots Released

Added: 20.07.2014 4:13 | 3 views | 0 comments

Hardcore Gamer: NIS America has released the first English batch of screenshots for Fairy Fencer F. I


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