Second English Trailer Released for Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited
Added: 12.07.2014 12:13 | 9 views | 0 comments
Hardcore Gamer: The nearly four minute trailer features glimpses of the character roster, including gameplay and voice snippets.
| Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited English Trailer #2 (HD)
Added: 12.07.2014 7:34 | 7 views | 0 comments
The original game had a cast and story that was widely praised as one of the best in the series, and this PlayStation®Vita version offers players a chance to relive that adventure on the go, and with brand-new content! Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited comes packed with in-depth gameplay, everlasting value, and the great sense of humor you've come to love. The graphics engine truly brings Takehito Harada's characters to life with fluid animations and high definition details. Create your own political party and take advantage of a slew of new battle and strategic features expanding upon the already staggering replay value. Grab your PS Vita and stop the Corrupternment's evil doings with the power of...sardines?
| Japanese developers weigh in on E3 2014 (Part 1)
Added: 10.07.2014 20:13 | 12 views | 0 comments
In this week's copy of Famitsu, Japanese developers including Yoshinori Ono, Suda 51 and Hideo Kojima gave their thoughts on this year's E3.
We had our resident Japanese translator run through it all and put it in English for all the non-Japanese-speaking gamers out there.
The results are interesting, to say the least.
| Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Second English Trailer
Added: 10.07.2014 13:13 | 14 views | 0 comments
NIS America has released the second official trailer of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.
The game will launch for PS Vita on September 2 in North America and September 5 in Europe.
| Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn - GR Review
Added: 10.07.2014 0:29 | 3 views | 0 comments
Destroy thousands of enemies... in a mobile suit.
A lot of meaning can be parsed from a name. Take a look at Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn—I have to imagine someone who hasn't played a single minute of the game would expect hack-and-slash combat that lacks depth, but also manages to hit the pleasure center in the brain often reserved for guilt. Oh, and there are giant robots. That person would be 100% correct, which simultaneously emphasizes Gundam Reborn's strengths and weaknesses. Its familiarity creates a level of comfort for fans of both Dynasty Warriors and Gundam, but it also ostracizes the larger video game audience. Either you want to mash buttons in a mobile suit, or you don't—there's no in-between.
The player's attachment to the Gundam anime series raises the potential for enjoyment, as the game tackles six different iterations of the show in its main story mode. Even if your exposure to Gundam is minimal at best, you'll likely appreciate the series on at least a superficial level. If nothing else, it has style that translates well to the video game format. It feels as though the game condenses each storyline in an effort to cover the six series, but I did take interest in improving my Gundam knowledge. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to follow along at times due to the lack of an English dub. On some level I appreciate its adherence to the original Japanese, but it was an option in past Dynasty Warriors Gundam games, and thus stands out as an odd omission in this entry.
| PS Nation Podcast - Ep379 - Free Mars
Added: 09.07.2014 12:17 | 5 views | 0 comments
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| Meet the Sjokz, the Deman, and the Joe Miller of Chinese League of Legends
Added: 08.07.2014 19:24 | 2 views | 0 comments
If youve been watching Chinas League of Legends Pro League through our live English stream, you might starting recognizing a few of the casters and announcers. They are, of course, Chinas own Sjokz, Deman, and Jatt, but who are they really, and are they worthy enough of the name?
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