Check Out All the Ultimate Attacks in J-Stars Victory Vs, Now With English Subtitles
Added: 06.04.2014 7:15 | 1 views | 0 comments
A new video featuring every ultimate attack in J-Stars Victory Vs popped up today, which should prove quite entertaining for English-speaking fans awaiting a possible release date for the massive crossover brawler. As a bonus, the dialogue has been subtitled in English for maximum enjoyment.
| PHC Import Reviews: Gundam Extreme Vs. | Tay.Kotaku
Added: 06.04.2014 1:15 | 6 views | 0 comments
Tay.Kotaku writes: Much like the justification for killing Shinn Asuka's girlfriend in Gundam SEED Destiny, this game confuses the f*ck out of me. The Gundam series is not known for its stellar writing in most series, and as such, the English name for the series should have been "Cool-Looking Mechs Fighting For Vague Reasons". That tone seems to carry itself into the games, which often boil down to fighters or brawlers more often than not; if you're looking for a mecha game series with a little more point and purpose to it, the Super Robot Taisen series is for you.
| Bravely Default Review (ITF Gaming)
Added: 04.04.2014 18:14 | 14 views | 0 comments
William Mabin from ITF Gaming writes: JRPGs or Japanese Role Playing Games have existed since the mid 1980s. Typically they hinder on the same type of fantastical culture and scantily-clad girls found in Anime. The Final Fantasy series once made a giant splash in the West, but the inconsistency of English releases were always an indication that some things are lost in translation. Ninja Gaiden creator Tomonobu has himself said that, The (video game) industry in Japan is a modern form of Sakoko. This was a reference to the style of the ancient Japanese government who shut its doors to other cultures. So how well does a modern JRPG like Silicon Studio and Nintendos Bravely Default translate and how good is it really? Lets have a closer look.
Tags: Games, Japan, Japanese, Studio, Fantasy, Ninja, Ninja Gaiden, Gaiden, Review, Gaming, Roll, English, Final, Playing, Final Fantasy, Leaf
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