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6 fangames shot down by cease and desist letters

Added: 22.04.2015 22:00 | 30 views | 0 comments

Being part of a creatively-driven fan community is a fantastic experience. Everyone shares a common passion - be it a movie, book, or game - and channel that energy into something constructive. Some people make art, others create music. And a few bring all those creative efforts together into something massive. Each entry on this list features a fan-developed game years in the making. Years spent toiling away in the developer's free time, hundreds of hours fueled by all-consuming fandom. And then poof all that work was undone.

The threat of a cease and desist letter hangs heavy over the heads of all fan developers working with someone else's creation. It is the Sword of Damocles, the Eye of Sauron, the all-powerful force that at any moment could shut the project down - but so often waits until the last minute to do so. Here are seven lovingly crafted fan games sunk by such letters.

It's only natural fans would want to spend more time exploring one of the Super Nintendo's most beloved JRPGs. While Chrono Trigger had an official sequel - Chrono Cross - it wasn't the direct sequel some wanted. Enter Kajar Laboratories, the fan-driven developer behind , an extensive ROM hack that looked and played just like the original. Set five years after Lavos' demise, Crimson Echoes finds the original cast on a new adventure involving alternate timelines, reptilian AI, and a resurrected king from the past. These plot points help set up the events of Chrono Cross, thus bridging the gap between the two games.

And here's the worst part: the game was cancelled just weeks before its release. After five years in development, Crimson Echoes was officially shut down in early May of 2009, mere weeks before its planned release date. By this point, the game "35 hours of gameplay and 10 separate endings" along with some new modes and other extras. Basically, everything you could have wanted from a Chrono Trigger 2.

The extensive fan-community surrounding My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is one of the most creatively-driven communities out there. So it should come as no surprise that - between all the music, artwork, and movies - a few fan-made MLP game have popped up as well. Fighting is Magic was a 2D fighting game from MANE6 who hoped to marry the spirit of My Little Pony with the high-speed action of Capcom's Vs. series. The result was a light years away from anything you'd find on MUGEN.

And here's the worst part: Fighting is Magic got hit with a cease and desist letter shortly after helping raise over $200,000 for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. In 2013, the organizers behind EVO on their Facebook page to determine the eighth game in their fighting game tournament lineup. Fighting is Magic was on that list, and drummed up a fair amount of support, but that didn't save it from getting shut down shortly thereafter.

Kids and adults the world over have been capturing pocket monsters for almost two decades, and yet we still don't have an official Pokemon MMO. In 2009, a small team of independent developers sought to fix this glaring omission with Pokenet. Players were able to battle, train, and level up their Pokemon, even though the game was still technically in beta. In essence, it looked like a really crowded version of the Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen games, with dozens of trainers wandering the Pokemon wilderness.

And here's the worst part: Pokenet was shut down on April Fool's day. What kind of a sick joke is that? Plus, if you do a simple search for 'Pokemon MMO' you'll discover Pokenet isn't the only Pokemon MMO in town. So why did it have to be canned while all these others live on? Your guess is as good as mine, and mine is 'bad luck'.

This one is a real heartbreaker. After eight years toiling away on their own time, Spanish developer Bomber Link finally released Streets of Rage Remake. This massive game was a glowing tribute to an arcade classic. It contained over 100 stages, 19 playable characters, and a 76-song soundtrack remixed by five different musicians. It was a beast and, according to the developers, designed completely from the ground up. According to , "It does not use reverse engineering nor a single line of code from the original games. It's all based on visual interpretation."

And here's the worst part: Not only did Sega can this glowing endorsement of their own franchise, they shut down their own as well. A video of a prototype Streets of Rage remake hit the web in 2012, courtesy of developer Ruffian Games. The footage shown was of a playable demo thrown together in six weeks. It was all for naught, however, as the project was apparently scrapped for unknown reasons.

The story of this fan-developed Metal Gear remake helps highlight just how arbitrary the whole cease-and-desist process appears. In 2014, a fan-developer Outer Haven announced it was halting development on its remake of the 1987 classic, Metal Gear. This came as a bit of a shock after the same developer just a few months prior announced that they had received Konami's blessing to move forward with development. For Pete's sake, they even got David Hayter himself to supply some voice work for their trailer. These guys were dedicated.

And here's the worst part: they had the green light from Konami, or so they thought. Originally, the developers and are working on a new game that's Metal Gear-free.

Super Mario 64 is one of the most beloved 3D platformers of all time, and a testament to Nintendo's skill at game design. Even so, if you want to play the game today there are only a few ways to do so. Developer Royston Ross offered a new alternative earlier this year with , a high-definition remake of the Bob-omb Battlefield using the Unity game engine. You could even play it in your browser. But after about a week in the spotlight, the game was taken down at Nintendo's request.

And here's the worst part: the entire thing was a tease within a tease. Not only did we get a very limited taste of the Bob-omb Battlefield in HD - remember, it wasn't up for long - that stage in itself was a tease of a fully realized Super Mario 64 HD, something that should really be in our lives. I guess we'll just have to make due with our $10 ROM dump on Virtual Console.

What's especially odd - and/or maddeningly frustrating - is that the likelihood of a company issuing a cease and desist letter appears almost arbitrary. Why did Pokenet get singled out as the PokeMMO to axe? Why did a remake of a Super Mario 64 stage get shut down when there are hundreds of Mario 64 hacks and remakes out there? And here's the big one: why is there not an industry-wide standard covering this sort of thing?

Look at Valve: they embraced the fan-developed, HD . If all companies required all fangames to be shut down, that would be one thing, but instead it appears the decision hinges on the personal whims of the companies themselves.

So I say embrace the creativity. These fangames are a testament to the rabid devotion of their communities; not to mention an excellent source of good PR. You don't build a loyal community by stifling its creative efforts.

Grimoire: Manastorm to Enter Steam Free Weekend

Added: 22.04.2015 1:17 | 7 views | 0 comments

A bright light in a sea of similarity, Grimoire: Manastorm will lead you on a bold new journey far away from the land of average multiplayer shooters. In Grimoire, the standard ammo counts, headshots, and cover systems have been replaced by genre-blending mechanics that reward cleverness as much as speed. As a powerful wizard employ immovable objects and unstoppable forces- then watch them collide in spectacular arcane explosions. Travel instantaneously or raise magical barriers when enemies call down storms of meteors, summon deadly blizzards, and rip apart the fabric of space and time to destroy you. Use every trick at your disposal to lure opponents into deadly traps and your own devastating sorcery. Visit a magical land where powerful wizards struggle in epic battles- a million miles from ordinary.


Swish and Flick Purgatory: War of the Damned Preview | GIZORAMA

Added: 17.04.2015 20:17 | 4 views | 0 comments

Johnny Ohm, GIZORAMA - "There never seems to be a deficit of first-person shooters in todays self-absorbed market. Despite never seeing their feet or the lovely boots they just spent all their coins on in the lobby, players round the world have a fascination with experiencing the horrors of war through their own two eyes (sorry one-eyed players, hit the road). While a large portion of this market is devoted to modern or future warfare (with games like Modern Warfare), there never seems to be enough fan service for the guys and gals of the fantasy world. Enter Purgatory: War of the Damned, a mage-based fantasy FPS that pits wizard against wizard in a bloody, fast-paced brawl."


Destiny data miners reveal new missions, strikes, modes, and planet (sort of)

Added: 15.04.2015 12:26 | 51 views | 0 comments

It's described as "Gateway to the Reef, home of the Queen and her Awoken. Entry point for Guardians looking to collect Reef bounties, forge new allegiances and test themselves in the Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris."

"Taniks-Syn, the Fallen's most notorious mercenary, is leading a strike force on the Moon. Board his Ketch and kill him or he will continue to cut a trail of death across the system."

Sounds a little similar to the Scourge of Winter story mission, which is no bad thing, as that's one of the best missions in the game.

"Scour the Cosmodrome. Find and assassinate the Wolves' Baron and any of his co-conspirators." "Track the House of Wolves through the caldera on Venus. Kill the Wolf pack before their Kell, Skolas, can rally the Fallen House of Winter to his cause." "Skolas has his eyes set on the Vex Citadel on Venus. Capture him before he can plunder the secrets of space and time." "A High Priest of the House of Wolves has been sent to the Hellmouth. Track him and his crew. Stop them from stealing the Hive's darkest secrets." "Locate and eliminate Skolas's elite assassins, the Silent Fang." "A pack of Fallen Wolves is picking a fight with the Vex on Venus. Head along the Shattered Coast and track down the Wolves to uncover Skolas' plan." They're set on Mars, Venus, and Earth, respectively. The Tuned Drive '"upgrades an equipped Sparrow to improve overall speed and durability". Fairly generic description, but hopefully it'll have a fair bit of kick to it. With that many to find and earn, there are bound to be at least a few that don't look like they're made out of garishly coloured Lego.
Black Oni Podcast Episode 43: To be Borne of Blood Enter Mortal Kombat

Added: 14.04.2015 7:17 | 3 views | 0 comments

Jae_Blaze06, Kkosaurus, and Dream_Manifested Discuss Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat, Evolve, television networks, xbox one slim, the battle between Nintendo and content creators and so much more. This episode is packed with juicy details you won't want to miss!


Satellite Reign - PC Preview | Chalgyr's Game Room

Added: 10.04.2015 14:17 | 13 views | 0 comments

Chalgyr's Game Room writes: Cyperpunk settings have always held a special place in my heart and frankly there are far to few games set in this dark and gritty sci-fi setting. Fortunately though, the recent success of titles like Shadowrun or the older Deus Ex titles, have kept gamers sated these last few years by having some excellent releases. Enter in the development studio 5 Lives Studios, a small studio (talking less than 10 people) that had a fantastic Kickstarter campaign back in 2013. Fast forward to early 2015 and Satellite Reign is now available on Steam Early Access for gamers to get in and experience a new world. As a class-based real-time strategy game, you will be tossed into a dark and gritty cyberpunk city where you have not only the tools, but the freedom to play how you want to play. You will battle for control of this living, breathing cyberpunk city, against the mega-corporations that control the world's governments. We were fortunate to get our hands on an...


Enter the Storm Cup #1 Finals Announced

Added: 10.04.2015 13:57 | 14 views | 0 comments

ImageSK Heroes will be competing in the first Enter the Storm Cup this weekend, 11-12th April.


The 'X'-Factor That Microsoft Has Over Sony Phil Spencer

Added: 09.04.2015 13:17 | 13 views | 0 comments

Saleswise Sony has been doing great since the PS4 launched back in 2013 but there are things that Sony can learn from Microsoft - Enter Phil Spencer.


Review: Slender: The Arrival (PS4) - Enter Your Name

Added: 08.04.2015 17:17 | 8 views | 0 comments

Slender: The Arrival is a sequel / re-imagining of the Slender: The Eight Pages game, a survival horror indie title that appeared in 2012. The original game was focused around finding 8 notes scattered around a forest at night. Armed with only a flashlight, players had to explore the forest in first-person whilst avoiding the gaze of The Slender Man, or his proximity. As more notes were collected, The Slender Man became more aggressive, appearing more frequently. We review the sequel to the survival horror game that caught the internet's attention.

Tags: Enter, York

Dishonored Available for Free on PlayStation Plus for PS3 Players

Added: 08.04.2015 16:24 | 3 views | 0 comments

Enter an original world envisioned by Half-Life 2 art director Viktor Antonov


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