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FIFA 16 Guide - Complete Celebrations List

Added: 09.09.2015 14:17 | 31 views | 0 comments

Every celebration listed for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

From: n4g.com

Battleborn Interview: For Every Kind of Badass

Added: 09.09.2015 12:17 | 37 views | 0 comments

Gearbox's Chris Thomas talks about the genre-melding shooter and incentives for playing it.

From: n4g.com

The Social Pressure to Play Every Game

Added: 09.09.2015 9:17 | 22 views | 0 comments

Rich Simpson: "Im witnessing friends put in eight hour sessions whenever they can. Work colleagues coming in slightly bleary eyed because they just had to finish that one bit with an S Rank. While this may be down to the sheer majesty of the game, when did we start to feel the need to binge game with each big new title? "

From: n4g.com

Riot Announces First League of Legends eSports Event in Oceania

Added: 08.09.2015 20:15 | 40 views | 0 comments

The International Wild Card All-Stars will take place in Melbourne, Australia later this year.

From: www.ign.com

Phantom Pains PC Performance Should Embarrass Every AAA Publisher

Added: 08.09.2015 8:18 | 14 views | 0 comments

Phantom Pain brings recent console ports excuses into question. Is optimizing a console port for PC an expensive and difficult exercise for a development team to undertake? Absolutely, but pointing out how difficult something is doesnt excuse [the developer] from doing a half-assed job and then squirting it out on to the internet hoping not just to recoup the minimal expense [the developer/publisher] invested but to actually maximise the profit [the developer/publisher] can make by handing PC players an inferior, underdeveloped product.

From: n4g.com

Ubisoft theme park: 'Serious' suggestions for rides based on Assassin's Creed, Far Cry and more

Added: 08.09.2015 3:17 | 36 views | 0 comments

Every wondered what it'd be like if Beyond Good and Evil 2 was a game that actually existed and had been released to the public? This virtual reality experience offers fans the chance to find out, with VR headsets sending them to a life-like recreation of a video game shop in which they'll be able to pick up and look at copies of the hypothetical sequel to Michel Ancel's cult classic. IBT Games has a few other suggestions for Ubisoft's theme park too.

From: n4g.com

This Week in Gaming History: September 7th - 13th

Added: 08.09.2015 2:17 | 45 views | 0 comments

Every Monday, we take a look at some important events that happened this week in gaming history. This week's history involves the original Super Mario Bros. game for the NES, Mortal Kombat II for the SNES, the Sony PlayStation and Spyro the Dragon!

From: n4g.com

Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review | Trusted Reviews

Added: 07.09.2015 15:17 | 36 views | 0 comments

Trusted Reviews: Whenever Blizzard releases an expansion for any of its eSports titles WOW, Starcraft 2, HotS and, yes, Hearthstone one has to marvel at the developers meticulous attention to detail. Every Blizzard expansion and game come to think of it rolls off the assembly line balanced to the hilt. Given that the addition of new units/powers/heroes in an eSports game can completely change strategic dynamic, the Blizzards additions look mind-boggling brave on top of everything else.

From: n4g.com

The 'Until Dawn' Ending That Fixes The Problem With Every Horror Movie

Added: 07.09.2015 6:17 | 80 views | 0 comments

Forbes: "Ive previously criticized Sony for having a sparse exclusive PS4 games line-up this fall after the delay of Uncharted 4, and Halo 5 and Rise of the Tomb Raider on the horizon for Xbox. But of the lesser releases Sony has in their corner, it seems that weve found at least one diamond in the rough."

From: n4g.com

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