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Ranking Every Game in the Main Metal Gear Franchise

Added: 02.09.2015 8:17 | 15 views | 0 comments

Gamerant Its crazy to think about, but the release of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is finally here. The game is easily one of the most highly anticipated games of the entire year, despite the recent behind-the-scenes issues between Hideo Kojima and Konami, and many gamers will be flocking to game stores to pick up the next chapter in the twisted, complicated universe that is Metal Gear. With Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain releasing across PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, we thought it would be fitting to take a look back at the games that led us to this point, and rank the entire franchise, in order to see which game holds up as the best and is the epitome of tactical espionage action.

From: n4g.com

Heres Every Unlock a Ground Zeroes Transfer Gives You in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Added: 02.09.2015 4:17 | 45 views | 0 comments

You may have forgotten, but The Phantom Pain is actually the second Metal Gear Solid V. The first one, Ground Zeroes, served as a sort of extended demo to the new experience Kojima and company were creating. But serving as a taste wasnt all that Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was good for, it also triggers quite a few unlocks for The Phantom Pain, provided that you meet certain requirements.

From: n4g.com

Here's why I buy the new 'Madden' game every single year

Added: 02.09.2015 3:18 | 13 views | 0 comments

Every year, EA Sports comes out with a new edition of its super popular "Madden NFL" game. And I've bought each new version since 2010. I'm not unlike a lot of people. Many Madden fans buy the new game each year, even if it may seem like very little has changed. But the question is why? ere's why I buy the new 'Madden' game every single year

From: n4g.com

Nindies@Night: Every Trailer, Right Here

Added: 01.09.2015 16:18 | 20 views | 0 comments

Check out every game from last night's Nindies@Night event.

Tags: Every, Chevy, Night
From: feedproxy.google.com

I Beat Final Fantasy VI's Opera House And All I Got Was This Lousy Airship

Added: 01.09.2015 14:17 | 18 views | 0 comments

Kotaku: "Every time I would tell people I hadnt played Final Fantasy VIa claim which is no longer true, thank godtheyd respond with particular forcefulness because of how much I love music. Not only does FFVI have a famous soundtrack, it features a major musical setpiece: The Opera House. Final Fantasy VIs Opera House sequence is similar to a lot of the gameits awkward but charming about it, relies on the players imagination, and makes up in ambition for what it lacks in ability to actually represent what is happening on screen."

From: n4g.com

Square Enix Reveals Their Full TGS 2015 Lineup; Final Fantasy XV To Get New Trailer And Stage Event

Added: 01.09.2015 9:18 | 11 views | 0 comments

Square Enix has revealed their full lineup for TGS 2015, which is currently set to start on September 17th in Japan. It is also confirmed that Final Fantasy XV will get a Stage Event at TGS along with a brand new trailer.

From: n4g.com

Nindies@Night: Every Trailer, Right Here

Added: 01.09.2015 3:20 | 15 views | 0 comments

Check out every game from last night's Nindies@Night event.

Tags: Every, Chevy, Night
From: feedproxy.google.com

What Kickstarter Video Game Campaigns Launched Aug 23 - 29

Added: 01.09.2015 3:17 | 17 views | 0 comments

Greg Micek writes: "Every week we take a brief look at all of the Kickstarter campaigns that launched in the previous week. This isn't to say that all of these projects are worth your hard earned cash, but with any luck having all of them in one place will make it easier to educate yourself on the projects you'd like to back, and which ones to run from. This week there were 27 to choose from."

From: n4g.com

Nindies@Night: Every Trailer, Right Here

Added: 01.09.2015 0:18 | 13 views | 0 comments

Check out every game from last night's Nindies@Night event.

Tags: Every, Chevy, Night
From: feedproxy.google.com

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