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Toukiden: Kiwami Review | Digital Chumps

Added: 05.04.2015 16:17 | 11 views | 0 comments

DC: Toukiden: Kiwami is essentially two games seamlessly integrated into one. You get last year's solid Vita exclusive Toukiden: Age of Demons, and upon completing it, a massive whole new campaign with lots of new goodies in Kiwami. Last February I played what I still consider to be one of the Vita's best exclusive titles, Toukiden: The Age of Demons. I strongly recommend checking out that review for fo and thoughts on Toukiden, as all of that is still valid for Kiwami. At the time, I believed it was hands down the best game I have ever played by Omega Force, the studio behind the Dynasty Warriors and Bladestorm games. Both of those things are no longer quite true since I have now spent time with Toukiden: Kiwami. Kiwami is available on both the Vita and the PS4, and it also includes the full Age of Demons game within it. Yet, Kiwami is more than just an expansion pack, yet it's also not exactly its own game, either. You have to clear Age of Demons' story to get to Kiwami...


Kickstarter Videogame Data Analysis For March 2015

Added: 01.04.2015 22:18 | 7 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "It's that time again, time to look back and examine the Kickstarter videogame data from last month. We've already looked at the successful campaigns, as well as the failed campaigns, so now let's dig into the data itself. 105 videogame campaigns were unsuccessful on Kickstarter this month as opposed to the 35 successes. Both of these numbers are up from February, however not to the same degree. February had 70 failures with 28 successes. So basically, when analysts discuss the most successful months (April being one of them!) theyre not kidding, but the percentage of success will likely not stray too far, while unsuccessful campaigns will no doubt clutter up everything."


Global Weekly Charts, 28th February 2015

Added: 01.04.2015 2:22 | 32 views | 0 comments

Global Hardware by Platform: PS4 231,869 (+1%) 20,215,802 3DS 181,276 (-36%) 51,517,152 XOne 80,071 (-8%) 11,638,701 PS3 48,957 (+5%) 85,293,707 PSV 41,256 (-27%) 10,048,222 WiiU 40,419 (-22%) 9,329,635 X360 24,559 (-20%) 84,634,938 Wii 2,917 (-18%) 100,965,440 Software: 1 Dragon Quest Heroes (PS3) 2 Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4) 3 Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (PS4) 4 Dying Light (PS4) 5 The Order 1866 (PS4)


Europe Weekly Charts, 28th February 2015

Added: 31.03.2015 11:21 | 26 views | 0 comments

Europe Hardware by Platform: 3DS 63,971 (-38%) 13,765,985 PS4 61,626 (-17%) 7,922,110 XOne 21,593 (+14%) 3,062,067 PS3 16,299 (+5%) 33,859,652 WiiU 9,396 (-12%) 2,178,039 X360 5,736 (-3%) 25,611,530 PSV 4,204 (-3%) 2,908,601 Wii 943 (-10%) 33,683,188 Software: 1 Dying Light (PS4) 2 Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (PS4) 3 The Order: 1886 (PS4) 4 Dying Light (XOne) 5 Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)


Europe Weekly Charts, 28th February 2015

Added: 31.03.2015 9:18 | 22 views | 0 comments

Europe Hardware by Platform: 3DS 63,971 (-38%) 13,765,985 PS4 61,626 (-17%) 7,922,110 XOne 21,593 (+14%) 3,062,067 PS3 16,299 (+5%) 33,859,652 WiiU 9,396 (-12%) 2,178,039 X360 5,736 (-3%) 25,611,530 PSV 4,204 (-3%) 2,908,601 Wii 943 (-10%) 33,683,188 Software: 1 Dying Light (PS4) 2 Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (PS4) 3 The Order: 1886 (PS4) 4 Dying Light (XOne) 5 Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)


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