The Taken King Fixes Destiny's Three Biggest Problems
Added: 15.08.2015 9:18 | 43 views | 0 comments
Despite Destiny's popularity, it remains a very polarizing game. For every enthusiastic fan, there seems to be another player who quit in disgust. I understand the hate, because I used to be one of the haters. However, sometimes games deserve a second chance, and The Taken King looks to be the perfect time to give Destiny another shot.
| Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 9 Coming Soon
Added: 11.08.2015 11:42 | 39 views | 0 comments
Fixed an issue where resetting options of any category could also reset the game difficulty
| The Sims 4 Patch Fixes Two Major Game-Breaking Bugs
Added: 29.07.2015 17:18 | 42 views | 0 comments
J Station X: In a brand new Sims 4 patch, EA has fixed two major game-breaking bugs. One bug prevented Sims from making friends, the other denied access to certain lots.
| Steams Wishlist Is Broken, Heres How I Fixed It
Added: 27.07.2015 14:18 | 39 views | 0 comments
MonsterVine: "Steams been around for years and its gone through a few visual changes but the one thing thats stayed pretty consistent is the wishlist page. People interact with this page quite a lot, especially during seasonal sales, but for some reason Valve has continued to keep this archaic design alive instead of tearing it down and redoing the whole thing. Now the Steam client itself could use with some major overhauling and people out there have put out some very good concepts, but Ive yet to see someone touch on the wishlist page which is what Im going to do."
| Rocket League's Next Patch Fixes These Issues
Added: 26.07.2015 19:25 | 46 views | 0 comments
| Rocket League's Next Patch Fixes These Issues
Added: 26.07.2015 19:25 | 46 views | 0 comments
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