Grant Patterson is back with the second installment of his beginner's guide to what may just be the most fun you'll have with a controller. It's the game of the year, every year. You should learn how to play.
GR-UK writes: "2D side-scrolling is the gold standard in the platform genre, and advancements in graphical processing power havent changed that. Full 3D brings a whole slew of depth-related issues to a genre that relies on precision. Very few games have been able to find a good balance between the extra dimension and genre staples. Trine 3 takes the plunge in order to renew both itself and the genre. It succeeds. Partially."
Skewed and Reviewed have posted an opinion piece asking if the recent Beta release for Call of Duty Black Ops 3 is a good move to reward fans or fuel for the fire for detractors of the series who say it is more of the same which may hamper sales.
Grant Patterson's third entry into this guide series takes an in-depth look as some of the advanced gameplay mechanics utilized in Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost on the PlayStation 3.