New Gears of War for Xbox One Debuts at Microsoft's Press Conference
Added: 15.06.2015 19:16 | 1 views | 0 comments
At long last Microsoft finally showcased the new Gears of War at its E3 conference.
| E3 2015: Gers of War 4 Unveiled by The Coalition
Added: 15.06.2015 19:16 | 2 views | 0 comments
Hardcore Gamer: After announcing that the original Gears of War would be remastered with the reveal of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, new gameplay footage was shown off for The Coalitions (formerly Black Tusk) newest title.
| Gears of War Remastered Will Run at 60FPS... In Multiplayer
Added: 15.06.2015 19:16 | 4 views | 0 comments
Announced during Microsoft's E3 presser, Gears of War Remastered will run at 60 frames per second - in multiplayer.
| Gears 4 World Premiere Demo E3 2015
Added: 15.06.2015 19:10 | 2 views | 0 comments
Check out the world premiere demo for Gears 4 at the Microsoft press conference from E3 2015.
| Gears of War 4 Coming Holiday 2016, Microsoft Announces at E3 2015
Added: 15.06.2015 19:10 | 3 views | 0 comments
Microsoft today revealed a brand-new Gears of War, Gears of War 4, that is coming to Xbox One during holiday 2016. The game was shown off using the first-ever gameplay footage, which feature two seemingly brand-new characters. A number of elements from previous Gears appear to be returning, including gun-mounted chainsaws and the style of sprinting seeing in previous games. The demo moved from an outdoor environment where a storm was hitting to an indoor area with very limited lighting. The two characters--one a woman, and one a man whose perspective the demo was shown from--then began fighting a variety of monsters that don't appear to be resemble those seen in past games. In the process, we get to see the Gnasher Shotgun, Lancer, and the chainsaw all used. While the game undoubtedly looked much better than any past Gears title, there didn't appear to be much new on display; the core gameplay seems largely unchanged, at least based on what we saw this morning. While it's somewhat disappointing that any new elements Gears 4 offers weren't featured in the video, we are still roughly a year and a half away from its launch. In other words, there isn't necessarily any reason for Gears fans hoping for some new wrinkles to panic.
| Gears 4 World Premiere Demo E3 2015
Added: 15.06.2015 19:10 | 4 views | 0 comments
Check out the world premiere demo for Gears 4 at the Microsoft press conference from E3 2015.
| Gears of War 4 Coming Holiday 2016, Microsoft Announces at E3 2015
Added: 15.06.2015 19:10 | 3 views | 0 comments
Microsoft today revealed a brand-new Gears of War, Gears of War 4, that is coming to Xbox One during holiday 2016. The game was shown off using the first-ever gameplay footage, which feature two seemingly brand-new characters. A number of elements from previous Gears appear to be returning, including gun-mounted chainsaws and the style of sprinting seeing in previous games. The demo moved from an outdoor environment where a storm was hitting to an indoor area with very limited lighting. The two characters--one a woman, and one a man whose perspective the demo was shown from--then began fighting a variety of monsters that don't appear to be resemble those seen in past games. In the process, we get to see the Gnasher Shotgun, Lancer, and the chainsaw all used. While the game undoubtedly looked much better than any past Gears title, there didn't appear to be much new on display; the core gameplay seems largely unchanged, at least based on what we saw this morning. While it's somewhat disappointing that any new elements Gears 4 offers weren't featured in the video, we are still roughly a year and a half away from its launch. In other words, there isn't necessarily any reason for Gears fans hoping for some new wrinkles to panic.
| Gears 4 World Premiere Demo E3 2015
Added: 15.06.2015 19:10 | 4 views | 0 comments
Check out the world premiere demo for Gears 4 at the Microsoft press conference from E3 2015.
| Gears of War 4 Coming Holiday 2016, Microsoft Announces at E3 2015
Added: 15.06.2015 19:10 | 1 views | 0 comments
Microsoft today revealed a brand-new Gears of War, Gears of War 4, that is coming to Xbox One during holiday 2016. The game was shown off using the first-ever gameplay footage, which feature two seemingly brand-new characters. A number of elements from previous Gears appear to be returning, including gun-mounted chainsaws and the style of sprinting seeing in previous games. The demo moved from an outdoor environment where a storm was hitting to an indoor area with very limited lighting. The two characters--one a woman, and one a man whose perspective the demo was shown from--then began fighting a variety of monsters that don't appear to be resemble those seen in past games. In the process, we get to see the Gnasher Shotgun, Lancer, and the chainsaw all used. While the game undoubtedly looked much better than any past Gears title, there didn't appear to be much new on display; the core gameplay seems largely unchanged, at least based on what we saw this morning. While it's somewhat disappointing that any new elements Gears 4 offers weren't featured in the video, we are still roughly a year and a half away from its launch. In other words, there isn't necessarily any reason for Gears fans hoping for some new wrinkles to panic.
| Gears 4 World Premiere Demo E3 2015
Added: 15.06.2015 19:10 | 3 views | 0 comments
Check out the world premiere demo for Gears 4 at the Microsoft press conference from E3 2015.
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