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E3 2015 Rumor Roundup

Added: 08.06.2015 18:57 | 6 views | 0 comments

All of the (Most Believable) Rumors

Setec Astronomy

E3 is drawing near. Lots of companies, lots of announcements, and lots of leaks. We're using our powers of prognostication to try and separate fact from fiction and figure out what might happen at this year's show. Image source: Wikipedia

Fallout 4 is Coming This Year

Good boy.

The existence of Fallout 4 was probably one of the worst kept secrets in gaming. We now know officially that it's a real thing, and we know it's going to be a centerpiece of Bethesda's Sunday press conference. But is there a chance that game could also come out this fall? Our sources seem to say yes.

Dark Souls 3 at E3

After From Software's success with the Dark Souls franchise and another huge success with Bloodborne, the reveal of a new multiplatform Dark Souls game seems only natural. Rumors abound that we'll see an E3 reveal of some type for the notoriously challenging series.

No, Silent Hills Isn't Coming to Xbox

It's probably not any better outside.

Rumors circulated recently that Microsoft had bought the Silent Hills horror franchise from Konami for "billions" of dollar. Xbox boss Phil Spencer took to Twitter to set the record straight, however: it's not happening.

Big Call of Duty News

Staring contest.

We already know the next Call of Duty game is Black Ops 3, so what surprises could Activision have? An anonymous source says you'll want to pay careful attention during the game's E3 stage debut this year.

New Metroid


Samus and crew have been on an extended hiatus, but multiple sources say that vacation is going to end this E3.

The Last Guardian (no, really)

It feels like we say that The Last Guardian will finally get some E3 news this year, but the chatter this year has been more persistent than ever. The most interesting tidbit we've heard: it might also release this year.

New Xbox One Controller and 1TB Console

New jacks.

Leaked images indicate that Microsoft is going to release a new version of the Xbox One with some slight modifications, including an improved controller and a larger hard drive.

Forza 6

More cars.

Accidentally leaked by the Japanese Xbox site, it sounds like we'll get some (official) news on the next Forza during E3.


Teasing T-shirts.

Spencer wore a Battletoads shirt during a Windows 10 event earlier this year. In his words, "I don't think I've ever worn a t-shirt that's been a complete head-fake."

Media Molecule's Next PS4 Game

Shall we dance?

Back in 2013, LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule showed of a mysterious trailer that involved music and waving Move controllers. The the studio went silent for two years. We've heard rumblings that that silence will be broken at this year's E3.

Gears of War and More


The studio formerly known as Black Tusk has been not-so-secretly working on a Gears of War project. Rumors indicate that, not only will we see a new game in the franchise, we'll also get a remake of at least one earlier Gears of War game.

From: www.gamespot.com

Epic Games: Coalition Will Breath New Life Into The Gears of War Series, Will Do A Great Job

Added: 07.06.2015 22:16 | 5 views | 0 comments

Epic Games' Ray Davis believes that the series is in safe hands.

From: n4g.com

The Pulse  Reiner's Most Anticipated Games

Added: 06.06.2015 21:16 | 3 views | 0 comments

GI E3 week is my favorite time of the year. Within the span of a few days, this expo inundates us with game news, announcements, surprises, videos, hands-on impressions, and horrible press conference moments. I call it a "welcome overload of information" data we use to determine what games we'll put on our radar for the holiday season and beyond. This year's E3 kicks off on June 14, and thanks to a number of early announcements like Fallout 4 and Gears of War, is already shaping up to be one of the best shows yet.

Tags: Jump, Gears, Most
From: n4g.com

Xvox Episode 96: The Cole-alition

Added: 06.06.2015 11:16 | 35 views | 0 comments

Participants: Dustin, Steve, Vern, Michael, and Tim Show Notes: Gears of War dev changes their name, Fallout 4, Windows 10, Neverwinter DLC, Letters, and much more!

From: n4g.com

Is Gears of War's Rebooted Developer Trapped? - Podcast Unlocked

Added: 05.06.2015 22:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

Would you want to work on one franchise forever? The Coalition has committed to a forever-future with Gears.

From: feeds.ign.com

Uncharted Collection Confirmed and Fallout 4 2015 Release? - IGN Daily Fix

Added: 04.06.2015 22:30 | 6 views | 0 comments

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection release date and Fallout 4's release window hinted at. Meanwhile important new story details are added to the Star Wars universe and Gears of War dev gets renamed.

From: feeds.ign.com

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