Blade: Sword of Elysion A Mobile Game That Plays Like a Console
Added: 06.09.2015 3:17 | 29 views | 0 comments
At Pax Prime 2015 I had the opportunity to sit down with Daniel Hyun Lee, Global Marketing Director and Jason Lee, Global Service Group for 4:33 Creative Lab out of Korea. Unfortunately they were tasked with the challenge of proving to me that a mobile game could pack as big a punch as a console game could.
| Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Buyscript Maker 1.2
Added: 04.09.2015 23:44 | 23 views | 0 comments
Buy weapons and equipment in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with the push of a button
| Next Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major Detailed
Added: 01.09.2015 19:47 | 35 views | 0 comments
Plus, DreamHack Open Stockholm will serve as an offline qualifier later this month.
| CRYENGINE - Baron Haussmann Tech Demo Packs Incredible Indoor Visuals - Available For Download
Added: 29.08.2015 2:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
DSOGaming writes: "A while back, we shared a tech demo from CRYENGINEs member Synce. Synces demo showcased Cryteks new Global Illumination solution, SVOTI (Sparse Voxel Octree Total Illumination). And today, we are presenting you another mind-blowing interior tech demo that takes advantage of this technique and is available for download."
| PlayStation Store Global Update (US, EU, HK, JP South East Asia) August 25, 2015
Added: 26.08.2015 3:18 | 14 views | 0 comments
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.
Tags: PlayStation, Vita, Easy, August, Stone, PlayStation Vita, Global, Souls, Update, Chevy, Soul
| Xbox One Exclusive Quantum Breaks Screenshots Show Advanced Lighting and Comparisons
Added: 25.08.2015 23:18 | 36 views | 0 comments
At Siggraph 2015, Remedy Entertainment's Ari Silvennoinen and Ville Timonen hosted a speech titled "Multi-Scale Global Illumination in Quantum Break," shedding some light on the advanced techniques used in the upcoming Xbox One exclusive's lighting.
The presentation slides were chock full of interesting pictures and comparisons between the various effects and their intermediate stages.
| Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Tournament Rakes in Record Views
Added: 25.08.2015 18:57 | 20 views | 0 comments
Last weekend's ESL One Cologne was also the first eSports event to hold drug tests.
| How to Watch Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Added: 22.08.2015 17:08 | 33 views | 0 comments
New to CS:GO? Learn how to watch the pros play, just in time for the ESL One finals!
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