What the Splatoon Global Testfire Taught Us
Added: 11.05.2015 18:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Now that the Splatoon Global Testfire is over, its time to reflect on what weve learned about Nintendos new shooter.
Three testfires down and weve been thoroughly impressed by what Splatoon brings to the table. While we doubt its going to be a miracle that will save the Wii U, theres some magic here. This new shooter goes above and beyond our expectations of what we thought Nintendo was capable of, especially after all the poorly received decisions theyve announced leading up to the Splatoon Global Testfire.
Splatoon The Only Online Shooter Ive Ever Enjoyed
Added: 11.05.2015 5:17 | 5 views | 0 comments
Nintendo had its Splatoon Global Testfire event this weekend, three hour long sessions over two days where WiiU owners could download and play a limited set of 4 v 4 online matches in the new squad based arena third person shooter game, Splatoon I played all three sessions (yes even the one that had me up at 4am Sunday morning!) and this is what I though if it.
What did Nintendo Feed think of the Splatoon Global Testfire?
Added: 10.05.2015 23:17 | 6 views | 0 comments
Following yesterday's hugely successful Splatoon Testfire, the Nintendo Feed team sat down to scribble down our initial thoughts around Nintendo's online shooter.
Splatoon Global Testfire First Impressions
Added: 10.05.2015 20:17 | 13 views | 0 comments
Nintendo held their global test fire for Splatoon this week giving us about three hours with the game. Here are the reasons why Splatoon is awesome and why you should be excited for it.
Poll: Did The Splatoon Global Testfire Hit Its Targets?
Added: 10.05.2015 18:40 | 9 views | 0 comments

A demo unlike any other
Splatoon Global Testfire Demo! [Hanging with HA]
Added: 10.05.2015 16:17 | 14 views | 0 comments
Check out a special "Hanging with HA" gameplay video featuring the Splatoon Global Testfire online demo before the game releases!
Splatoon Global Testfire Gameplay Video Surfaces Online
Added: 10.05.2015 1:17 | 16 views | 0 comments
A Splatoon Global Testfire gameplay video has surfaced online a few hours ago.
Splatoon Global Testfire Gameplay Video Surfaces Online
Added: 10.05.2015 0:17 | 15 views | 0 comments
A Splatoon Global Testfire gameplay video has surfaced online a few hours ago.