PlayStation Store Global Update (US, HK, JP South East Asia) March 31, 2015
Added: 02.04.2015 5:18 | 5 views | 0 comments
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.
Tags: Mario, PlayStation, Vita, Easy, Stone, PlayStation Vita, Global, Souls, Update, Chevy, Soul
| Global Weekly Charts, 28th February 2015
Added: 01.04.2015 2:22 | 32 views | 0 comments
Global Hardware by Platform:
PS4 231,869 (+1%) 20,215,802
3DS 181,276 (-36%) 51,517,152
XOne 80,071 (-8%) 11,638,701
PS3 48,957 (+5%) 85,293,707
PSV 41,256 (-27%) 10,048,222
WiiU 40,419 (-22%) 9,329,635
X360 24,559 (-20%) 84,634,938
Wii 2,917 (-18%) 100,965,440
1 Dragon Quest Heroes (PS3)
2 Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4)
3 Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (PS4)
4 Dying Light (PS4)
5 The Order 1866 (PS4)
| Darwins Doom: Evolve is Already Dead
Added: 29.03.2015 19:18 | 29 views | 0 comments
CraveOnline: "At the time of writing this, its Saturday 7:45 p.m. Its prime time for gamers. On Steam, around a half a million people playing Dota 2, almost 200,000 people are playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive, 22,000 people are playing PAYDAY 2, and a whopping 2,000 people are playing Evolve."
| Hounds: The Last Hope Trailer (HD)
Added: 27.03.2015 19:54 | 9 views | 0 comments
Koreas biggest PC / Mobile game developer and digital entertainment company Netmarble Games expands business and reveals its first global PC game Hounds: The Last Hope!
After having its succesful release in both Korean and Japanese market, Hounds: The Last Hope will be ready to be published into Global at Spring 2015.
Hounds: The Last Hope is a Free to Play Squad Based MMO Role-Playing Shooter game which contains unique features in a multi-language client (English, German, Turkish) as well as player support and content in 5 different languages.
Publisher: BUFF
Developer: Netmarble Games
Official Webpage:
Official Facebook Page:
Tags: Games, Trailer, Play, Official, Japanese, Last, After, Hold, The Last, Global, Playing, Facebook
| Phil Spencer Experiences Tanner Foust's Rally VW Beetle
Added: 26.03.2015 0:18 | 10 views | 0 comments
Head of Xbox Phil Spencer recently had the chance to ride shotgun with professional rally driver, world-record holder and Xbox ambassador Tanner Foust during the Red Bull Global Rallycross event at Dirt Fish Rally School in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, which is about an hour from Xbox HQ in Redmond, Washington.
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