Goat Simulator Review | Codec Moments
Added: 12.08.2015 5:18 | 14 views | 0 comments
Matt at Codec Moments writes: "Where do you start with a game like Goat Simulator? Seriously, if this got pitched at nearly any publisher itd be laughed out of existence in about 30 seconds: Youre a goat, right, and you headbutt things, and jump, and lick stuff.... Coffee Stain Studios however have pulled off this feat when an internal game jam went viral, and, in what seemed like a gag at first because they published it to Windows PCs on the 1st April, quickly gained cult status as people realised it was an actual game. Having been through Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and both current Xbox platforms, PlayStation owners now have the chance to experience the weird and wonderful game."
Tags: Gods, Studios, PlayStation, Mask, Xbox, Android, Review, Staff, Windows, Simulator, Yours
| Everybody's Gone To The Rapture Refuels An Ongoing War
Added: 12.08.2015 5:18 | 5 views | 0 comments
The latest from The Chinese Room has brought an old conflict back to the forefront: What exactly constitutes a "video game?" How much interaction is necessary?
| Bungie Talks Peter Dinklage Ditch GTA 5 Sells 54 Million Copies - IGN Daily Fix
Added: 12.08.2015 1:30 | 8 views | 0 comments
Bungie explains removal of Peter Dinklage in Destiny and GTA 5 has sold 54 million copies. Plus, Final Fantasy 15 screenshots showcase new locales and Everbody's Gone to the Rapture has a run button.
| Everybody's Gone To The Rapture Review | Gaming Age
Added: 12.08.2015 1:19 | 2 views | 0 comments
"And there is ample beauty in Everybody's Gone To The Rapture beauty, and emotion, and death and love and life. It's all here, and it's all portrayed in such a way that it will stick with you long, long after you've put down your controller."
| Yes, You Can Run in Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Added: 12.08.2015 1:00 | 9 views | 0 comments
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture has taken quite a beating from reviewers for having a slow movement speed. It's undoubtedly affected its Metacritic rating as several review sites have cited it the poor pacing as a detractor to the experience. What many of these reviewers didn't know is that you can run in the game, it just isn't obvious.
| PlayStation Store Update
Added: 11.08.2015 23:20 | 69 views | 0 comments
Now live on PlayStation Store: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Goat Simulator, TorqueL and more.
| Everybody's Gone to the Rapture Dev Discusses Mysterious Ending, Increasing Run Speed, and More
Added: 11.08.2015 22:18 | 0 views | 0 comments
Dan Pinchbeck, creative director and co-studio head at The Chinese Room, answered fan questions ranging from sound design to the game's slow walking pace.
| Everybody's Gone to the Rapture Dev: Loved Working On PS4, Would Love To See The Game On PC
Added: 11.08.2015 22:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
Dan Pinchbeck said that he loved working on PlayStation 4, but he would also like to see Everybody's Gone to the Rapture on PC.
| Everybody's Gone to the Rapture Dev Discusses Mysterious Ending, Increasing Run Speed, and More
Added: 11.08.2015 21:18 | 0 views | 0 comments
Dan Pinchbeck, creative director and co-studio head at The Chinese Room, answered fan questions ranging from sound design to the game's slow walking pace.
| Everybody's Gone to the Rapture Dev: Loved Working On PS4, Would Love To See The Game On PC
Added: 11.08.2015 21:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
Dan Pinchbeck said that he loved working on PlayStation 4, but he would also like to see Everybody's Gone to the Rapture on PC.
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