Golden Toilet Official Trailer
Added: 11.06.2015 17:42 | 70 views | 0 comments
This trap features a high-power bidet that shoots victims into the air.
| AR-K Third Episode Dated, Screens Available
Added: 11.06.2015 17:23 | 7 views | 0 comments
Upcoming chapter by Greg Rucka unveils the mystery of Alicia#039;s Golden Sphere
| Golden Frieza Shines Bright in Dragon Ball XenoVerse's Final DLC Pack
Added: 11.06.2015 12:16 | 23 views | 0 comments
Push Square: "It's been a log journey, but Dragon Ball XenoVerse's days of downloadable content are over. The final slice of DLC, which is free to season pass owners, is the Resurrection of F Pack. As its name suggests, the included content is based on the Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F movie, so if you're busy getting hyped up for its release, you're probably going to get the most out of this third and final offering."
| Golden Goat Trophies cheat for Goat Simulator
Added: 09.06.2015 10:21 | 32 views | 0 comments
Golden Goat Trophies Xbox 360 cheat code for Goat Simulator Xbox 360 game.
| Dragon Ball Xenoverse: New Resurrection F DLC SSGSS Goku, Vegeta, Golden Frieza Gameplay
Added: 09.06.2015 10:16 | 18 views | 0 comments
Dragon Ball Xenoverse DLC Pack 3, the Resurrection F DLC is now available for download.
| Now LoadingUncharted PS4 Collection Do You Want to Play It All Again?
Added: 05.06.2015 0:16 | 4 views | 0 comments
With Sonys recent confirmation that the Uncharted trilogy will be repackaged as Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection for the PlayStation 4, our staff weighed in on whether they want to replay the entire franchise all over again (Uncharted: Golden Abyss notwithstanding).
| Dragon Ball Xenoverse Resurrection F Pack releases on June 9th
Added: 04.06.2015 22:16 | 25 views | 0 comments
The Outerhaven writes:
Dragon Ball Xenoverse fans will want to mark their calendars as the Resurrection F Pack (DLC #3) will be going live on June 9th. This final DLC package will include a plethora of Dragon Ball goodness, including:
Four new playable characters including; Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta, Golden Frieza, and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
Five new Parallel Quests
Two new masters including; Elder Kai and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
Eight new Master Quests
14 new skills
Two new costumes including; Gohans Tracksuit and Turtle Hermits Aloha Shirt
Two new accessories including; Tagomas Scouter and a Turtle Hermit Set
One new gesture
Seven new Z Souls
Tags: Paul, Jump, Food, Ball, Master, Fire, Golden, Resurrection, Dragon, Elder, Turtle, Jack, Along
| The Golden Age of Sh*tty Videogame Adaptations
Added: 31.05.2015 21:16 | 12 views | 0 comments
KSD: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a game studio in possession of popular franchises must be in want of new markets for its popular franchises. And so was born the most universally derided genre in contemporary film: the videogame adaptation, an unhappy marriage of game companies attempting to leverage successful brands with uncreative Hollywood studios in need of fresh source material. To date, not a single videogame adaptation has managed to crack 50% on Rotten Tomatoes (at present, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within ranks highest, with 44% approval).
But what, exactly, made these movies so reviled? Has it simply been a long string of particularly incompetent writers and directors? Or is there some deeper tension between games and film that prevents the successful importation of the former into the latter? Like mass-market games, popular film is as much as product of the boardroom as it is the writers desk. Alone a purely artistic or economic explanation isnt...
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