Monday, 10 March 2025
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Streamer Spotlight: Week 2-Picked Last Gamers

Added: 26.08.2015 3:18 | 7 views | 0 comments

Greg from PC Gaming Enthusiast is highlighting a streamer each week. Week two is the Armchair Athletes: Picked Last Gamers.

Tags: Last, Grab, Gaming

PlayStation Retro Sale Ready for PAX

Added: 26.08.2015 2:00 | 102 views | 0 comments

One of the best parts of PAX is all of the swag and awesome deals, and the PlayStation Store is bringing it all back with its Retro Sale ending August 31 at 9am PST.

Discounting an extensive list of games up to 80 percent off, with 10 percent extra for PS Plus members, the Retro Sale will give Sony Rewards members three times the points. Below is an edited list of the best video game offers available, with the price in brackets being the PS Plus price. Beyond: Two Souls - $19.99 $8.00 [$6.00]
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien - $9.99 $4.99 [$3.99]
Child of Light - $14.99 $6.00 [$4.50]
Cloudberry Kingdom - $9.99 $3.50 [$2.50]
Grim Fandango Remastered - $14.99 $7.50 [$6.00]
Hotline Miami - $9.99 $4.99 [$3.00]
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood - $14.99 $8.99 [$7.49]
Retro City Rampage DX - $9.99 $5.00 [$4.00]
Rogue Legacy - $16.99 $8.50 [$6.80]
SteamWorld Dig - $9.99 $4.00 [$3.00]
TowerFall Ascension - $14.99 $6.00 [$4.50] For a longer list of video game and movie offers in the Retro Sale, you can check out the official post on the PlayStation blog.


Forget Forza, Gran Tursimo - GTA V Has The Best Looking Cars

Added: 26.08.2015 0:18 | 7 views | 0 comments

With car modding on the PC version of GTA V hitting its stride, has it surpassed Forza and Gran Turismo?

Tags: Force, With, Grab, Been

Price drop: $9.00 off Breaking Bad Los Pollos Hermanos Ash Grey T-Shirt Large ZT, now only $15.99

Added: 25.08.2015 17:20 | 22 views | 0 comments

Save $9.00 on Breaking Bad Los Pollos Hermanos Ash Grey T-Shirt Large ZT! The price of Breaking Bad Los Pollos Hermanos Ash Grey T-Shirt Large ZT has been dropped by $9.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


Price drop: $9.00 off Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Grey T-Shirt X-Large ZT, now only $15.99

Added: 25.08.2015 17:20 | 15 views | 0 comments

Save $9.00 on Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Grey T-Shirt X-Large ZT! The price of Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Grey T-Shirt X-Large ZT has been dropped by $9.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


Price drop: $9.00 off Star Wars Candy Stormtrooper Grey T-Shirt XX-Large ZT, now only $15.99

Added: 25.08.2015 17:20 | 15 views | 0 comments

Save $9.00 on Star Wars Candy Stormtrooper Grey T-Shirt XX-Large ZT! The price of Star Wars Candy Stormtrooper Grey T-Shirt XX-Large ZT has been dropped by $9.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


Price drop: $9.00 off Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Ash Grey T-Shirt X-Large ZT, now only $15.99

Added: 25.08.2015 17:20 | 15 views | 0 comments

Save $9.00 on Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Ash Grey T-Shirt X-Large ZT! The price of Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Ash Grey T-Shirt X-Large ZT has been dropped by $9.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


Dangaronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Review | GodisaGeek

Added: 25.08.2015 15:18 | 15 views | 0 comments

Greg Hill: "While held back by a few teething problems expected when making such a huge genre transition, Ultra Despair Girls is a good addition to the franchise. Despite a questionable setting design and somewhat unresolved ending, this 3D take on a world ruled by everyones favourite monochrome bear is able to stand on its own merits as a sequel with a total new direction. With a masochistic and mature plot keeping the series feeling as despair-filled as ever, and a fresh combat system that encourages players do the killing by their own hand, this is a wonderfully wicked title that will satisfy new players and scratch the itch of those returning to the series."


Price drop: $8.00 off Anchorman Sex Panther Musk Grey T-Shirt Medium ZT, now only $15.99

Added: 25.08.2015 5:20 | 9 views | 0 comments

Save $8.00 on Anchorman Sex Panther Musk Grey T-Shirt Medium ZT! The price of Anchorman Sex Panther Musk Grey T-Shirt Medium ZT has been dropped by $8.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


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