List of V8 Supercars in Forza Motorsport 6 for Xbox One Revealed
Added: 24.08.2015 6:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
Grab It has the details on the new partnership between Microsoft and the V8 Supercars.
| Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review - (Kinda Funny Games)
Added: 24.08.2015 3:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
Kinda Funny's Greg Miller reviews Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Tags: Paul, Gear, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Phantom Pain, Review, Grab, Gear Solid, The Phantom
| Blitzcrank's Poro Roundup Cheats: Guide, Tips Strategy for Android/iPhone Game
Added: 23.08.2015 16:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
Blitzcrank's Poro Roundup Tip #1: Don't Grab Impulsively.
Don't Grab when there is a lot of poros in the screen. The act of grabbing whether it is successfully or not, will take less than a half second to immobilize your character going up or down.
| Games That Changed Our Lives: Gran Turismo
Added: 21.08.2015 14:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
Steven at GameSpew writes: "Ive always slightly distrusted the alpha male fascination with cars and collated hours of supporting evidence from the antics of this unusual pair. The most startling thing about their behaviour is that they didnt even complete races. All they did was tinker with cars, bash them about on track for a lap or two and then enthuse about the extra torque theyd achieved through some infinitesimal adjustment of an engine setting. They would turn the volume up and listen to the sound of engine revs with the dreamy attentiveness of a romantic attending to lovers whispers.
This was Gran Turismo. A game made by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. A game beginners could play and experts could love. A game that set a new benchmark for the racing genre. A game that changed our lives."
| Should Gamers Boycott Konami and Metal Gear Solid V?
Added: 21.08.2015 10:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
To buy or not to buy, that is the question? In the wake of reports on the disturbing work conditions inside Konami, what responsibility falls on the gamers to voice their dissent through their purchasing behaviour? Grab It looks at the pros and cons of choosing to make a statement on the best practices for a developer's work environment through your consumption choices.
| The Panzer Dragoon Gaiden Kickstarter is Just Another Pipe Dream
Added: 21.08.2015 4:18 | 55 views | 0 comments
Greg Micek writes: "As a love of the Sega Saturn, and the Panzer Dragoon series in particular, I was understandably excited to see a new game in the series launch on Kickstarter. Could this be the next mega campaign? The next Shenmue 3 if you will?
Unfortunately not."
| Grey Goo Gone Retail
Added: 20.08.2015 22:14 | 17 views | 0 comments
Fight the chaos, or harness its power
| Grim Tales: The Final Suspect
Added: 20.08.2015 20:13 | 10 views | 0 comments
Play a as a female detective who is investigating a crime is thought she commited
Added: 20.08.2015 11:19 | 15 views | 0 comments
The internet sensation is now on !
- Grow your cell, eat others and avoid being eaten
- Climb to the top of the leaderboard
- Choose special usernames to play with secret skins
It's cell eat cell out there!
| Grow Home Is Coming to PS4 Trailer
Added: 20.08.2015 9:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
Explore a strange open world as BUD, an excitable child-like robot on a mission to find a magical plant to grow and...
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