Sunday, 09 March 2025
News with tag Grab  RSS
Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces Launch Trailer

Added: 09.09.2015 0:18 | 44 views | 0 comments

Grab a cup of Earl Grey and join the highest rated WWII RTS franchise with Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces....


Grab a Free Rainbow Six Siege Beta Code for PS4, Xbox One or PC

Added: 09.09.2015 0:00 | 12 views | 0 comments

Not too long now for the Rainbow Six Siege beta! Get a code on us and enter for chance to win an Xbox One with a free copy of Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition.


Armello coming to Android and iPad - Read the Making Of

Added: 08.09.2015 15:17 | 46 views | 0 comments

Fresh from its release on PC and PS4, Grab It has confirmed that iOS and Android versions are on the way, too. They also have a making of on the game for the PC and PS4 versions.

Tags: Android, Grab, Reef

Apple TV Microconsole Will Succeed Where Ouya, PlayStation and Amazon Failed

Added: 08.09.2015 14:18 | 17 views | 0 comments

This article at Grab It explores the reasons why Apple can succeed in the microconsole space where others have failed.


A Very Gray Fox

Added: 08.09.2015 13:17 | 11 views | 0 comments

Yuriy Romanyk is a 3D artist based in Dubai whose most recent completed project was Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Tags: Grab, Dragon

Forza Motorsport 6 Review "The Pinnacle of Racing Simulators" | My Games Lounge

Added: 08.09.2015 10:17 | 33 views | 0 comments

"It's your move Gran Turismo" writes editor David Game in the official review of one of the best racing sims we've seen according to My Games Lounge.


Forza Motorsport 6 Review - AussieGeek

Added: 08.09.2015 10:17 | 52 views | 0 comments

Forza Motorsport 6 is the culmination of a decade of Turn 10 perfecting their craft. Starting off way back on the original Xbox and attempting to climb out from the shadow of Gran Turismo to take the crown of premier racing title, Turn 10 have been working towards creating the perfect racing game. With Forza Motorsport 6 they have achieved that goal.


Forza Motorsport 6 - GR Review

Added: 08.09.2015 8:57 | 54 views | 0 comments

The best racing game since Gran Turismo 3. During the past 10 years no racing franchise has been more impactful in the genre than Forza. When Turn 10 entered the scene it changed the way gamers and developers thought about how racing games should be designed. Its last release, Forza Motorsport 5, was regarded as a half-step toward bringing the franchise to a new generation. With a keener sense of the Xbox One's technology, Turn 10 now looks to finish the job with Forza Motorsport 6.


Forza Motorsport 6 review | Gamereactor UK

Added: 08.09.2015 8:17 | 44 views | 0 comments

GR-UK writes: "From the deeply integrated rival system via the weather conditions and the increased car count, this racer is filled with small ideas that each have a big impact, improving on the already excellent foundations. Forza Motorsport 6 is the best racing simulator currently available on console. Gran Turismo 7 has its work cut out."


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