Thursday, 06 March 2025
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Couple weds in a dreamy, Final Fantasy-themed wedding ceremony

Added: 10.09.2015 14:17 | 16 views | 0 comments

RN24: Ever wondered what a wedding planned around your favorite video game franchise would look like? Newly married couple Grace and Chris have an answer to that question in the form of the following video taken at their stunning Final Fantasy-themed wedding ceremony filmed in Hawaii!


The most OP cards of The Grand Tournament

Added: 09.09.2015 16:17 | 8 views | 0 comments

Hearthstones new deck is here: play these before you get played by them.

Tags: Grade

Find all Invoices Locations: Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Guide

Added: 09.09.2015 13:18 | 81 views | 0 comments

GamingSoFar: Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain features total 21 Invoices, that can be unlocked the Master Certificate Box Grand Master Certificate Box key items and 21 Fast Travel Points in PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox360 and Xbox One versions.


Grand Ages: Medieval Short Trailer

Added: 08.09.2015 23:18 | 34 views | 0 comments

Grand Ages: Medieval immerses you into the High Middle Ages. Europe is rapidly developing – new frontiers are explored...


The Funniest Moments In Serious Games

Added: 08.09.2015 3:17 | 33 views | 0 comments

IGN Video games don't have to prove they can be funny anymore. Monkey Island, Borderlands, Portal, Grand Theft Auto and plenty more have provided us hundreds of laughs over the years. But occasionally even bleak, deadly-serious games can crack a great joke or two. And more often than that, games can make us laugh even when they aren't trying thanks to questionable writing or acting, glitches, and other unfortunate errors. Below are some of our picks for the funniest moments in serious games.


The Gamesmen, Episode 86 Mhm

Added: 07.09.2015 21:17 | 73 views | 0 comments

Join Amras89 and Hardlydan for game talk and fun! This time, The Gamesmen talk about Mega Man getting his own movie, the Grand Theft Auto film, the Halo Composer finally winning his case against Bungie, the Monkey Island IP, the number of lines in Fallout 4s script, another elite Xbox One controller, more diversity in gaming, a new update for Minecraft: Pocket Edition, and the ending of a mans job offer. Games discussed are Fallout Shelter, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Asphalt 8: Airborne, Metal Gear Solid V:The Phantom Pain, Batman: Arkham Knight, and MAD MAX.


Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament Review | Trusted Reviews

Added: 07.09.2015 15:17 | 36 views | 0 comments

Trusted Reviews: Whenever Blizzard releases an expansion for any of its eSports titles WOW, Starcraft 2, HotS and, yes, Hearthstone one has to marvel at the developers meticulous attention to detail. Every Blizzard expansion and game come to think of it rolls off the assembly line balanced to the hilt. Given that the addition of new units/powers/heroes in an eSports game can completely change strategic dynamic, the Blizzards additions look mind-boggling brave on top of everything else.


See and hear the EGM Crew play Rainbow Six Siege at PAX

Added: 07.09.2015 12:17 | 16 views | 0 comments

EGM: Mollie L Patterson and I had a chance to play some more Terrohunt at PAX this past weekend and not only did we record our match, but also the teams headset audio so you can hear our chatter. The video is from my perspective as Sledge, the aptly named soldier who wields a giant hammer that can break down walls and doors. The teams most vocal member is MatchGrade Nations Miss Magitek, who expertly helped coach us to victory.

Tags: Mini, Grade

Grand Ages: Medieval Short Trailer

Added: 06.09.2015 8:56 | 46 views | 0 comments

Grand Ages: Medieval immerses you into the High Middle Ages. Europe is rapidly developing – new frontiers are explored, settlements founded and vast trading routes established. Rise from the humble role of a simple mayor governing a small settlement and rule over all of Europe. Explore the gigantic game world of Grand Ages: Medieval: from Scandinavia and North Africa, to Portugal, the Caucasus and the Middle East. Found new cities, progress your nation with inventive technology and protect your trade routes against barbarian attacks until you are powerful enough to begin your conquest over Europe and forge a bold new empire. Experience an exciting campaign with elaborately designed cut-scenes, play by your own rules in free play, or test your skills in multiplayer against up to 8 players!


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