Monday, 03 March 2025
News with tag Ground  RSS
MGS V: The Phantom Pain And The Irrepressible Hideo Kojima | TSA

Added: 14.06.2015 12:16 | 19 views | 0 comments

TSA: Many would consider Ground Zeroes to be the prologue to The Phantom Pain. In truth its more of a bridge from Peace Walkers bite-sized format and cast of characters to the fully open world gameplay and the revenge nay, revengeance at the heart of the central game beneath the Metal Gear Solid V umbrella.


Fails of the Weak #247

Added: 13.06.2015 21:16 | 11 views | 0 comments

In Fails of the Weak Volume 247, Jack and Geoff bring you an array of fails and glitches from Battlefield 4, Far Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes, Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, and WWE 2K15.


DreamHack Summer 2015: Groups and schedule

Added: 13.06.2015 13:05 | 73 views | 0 comments

ImageThe $40,000 CS:GO tournament will start in approximately three hours from now, directly from Jouml;nkouml;ping, Sweden.


GameEnthus Podcast ep230: Hella Lean Pockets or Out of Tokens

Added: 13.06.2015 0:16 | 80 views | 0 comments

This week Aaron (@Ind1fference) is joined by Tanya (@Cypheroftyr) from #INeedDiverseGames and Fresh out of Tokens and Aladdin (@MrGlasco) from to talk about: Twitch, audacity, Fresh Out of Tokens, Justice Points, diversity, Paste Games, King of The Nerds, Unbreakable, unions, Christopher Lee, Dusty Rhodes, Stepto, Vita, PS E3 Experience, Black Game Developers, Metal Gear Solid V, Assassins Creed Black Flag, Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, Dragon Age Inquisition, Roku, AppleTV, Windows 10, Typing of the Dead, Kerbal Space Program, Angry Birds Space, FTL, Mavis Beacon, The Witcher Wild Hunt, The Witcher 3, Prism Shell, Brooklyn Gamery, Life is Strange, #GamingLooksGood, @ShareefJackson, EtherOne, The Legend of Korra, BloodBorne, Construction Simulator, MineCraft, Lego Worlds, TIS-100, EVE Online, RockSmith, Sniper Elite 3, Audiosurf 2, Steam refunds, PS Mobile, Through the Woods, Steel Empire, Splatoon, Adventures of Pip, E3, Mass Effect...


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Preview: Call me Ishmael | WASDuk

Added: 12.06.2015 14:16 | 16 views | 0 comments

Gareth from WASDuk writes "Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was little more than a proof-of-concept demo, but it left me hungry for more of the open-ended sneaking and backstabbing promised in the rest of the game. So, when the kind folks at Konami invited me to their UK HQ to have a crack at the opening of a near-final build of The Phantom Pain, I jumped at the chance, and I am pleased to announce that the best is yet to come."


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