Guacamelee! Video Review | GamingVlogNetwork
Added: 12.04.2013 8:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
The game draws its inspiration from traditional Mexican culture and folklore, and features many interesting and unique characters. Guacamelee builds upon the classic open-world Metroid-vania style of games, by adding a strong melee combat component, a new dimension switching mechanic, and cooperative same-screen multiplayer for the entire story. The game also blurs the boundaries between combat and platforming by making many of the moves useful and necessary for both of these.
Gametrailers- Guacamelee Review
Added: 12.04.2013 2:18 | 5 views | 0 comments
GT:We step into the review ring with the puzzles, muscles, and tussles of Guacamelee to find that Metroidvania meets Mexico is a charming recipe for success.
The many Nintendo references of Guacamelee
Added: 12.04.2013 2:18 | 6 views | 0 comments
GN: ''I started playing Guacamelee tonight (PS3). I had heard that it was chock-full of game references, but I didn't know just how many Nintendo-specific nods there were. I grabbed all of these within the first hour and a half alone! Keep in mind, I only took pics of the Nintendo-specific moments. There were many other references to third party games.''
Gametrailers- Guacamelee Review
Added: 12.04.2013 2:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
GT:We step into the review ring with the puzzles, muscles, and tussles of Guacamelee to find that Metroidvania meets Mexico is a charming recipe for success.
The many Nintendo references of Guacamelee
Added: 12.04.2013 2:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
GN: ''I started playing Guacamelee tonight (PS3). I had heard that it was chock-full of game references, but I didn't know just how many Nintendo-specific nods there were. I grabbed all of these within the first hour and a half alone! Keep in mind, I only took pics of the Nintendo-specific moments. There were many other references to third party games.''
AMH Network - Guacamelee Review
Added: 11.04.2013 14:21 | 4 views | 0 comments
Check out AMH Network's exclusive review for the newly released PS3/PSVita title Guacamelee.
Rev3games- Guacamelee Review
Added: 11.04.2013 2:18 | 5 views | 0 comments
Rev:Here's Max Scoville's review of Guacamelee,The Metroidvania beat-em up about a magical lunchadore trying to rescue EL Presidente's daughter
Guacamelee Review
Added: 11.04.2013 0:00 | 17 views | 0 comments
We step into the review ring with the puzzles, muscles, and tussles of Guacamelee to find that Metroidvania meets Mexico is a charming recipe for success.
Guacamelee Review
Added: 11.04.2013 0:00 | 19 views | 0 comments
We step into the review ring with the puzzles, muscles, and tussles of Guacamelee to find that Metroidvania meets Mexico is a charming recipe for success.