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Zero1gaming: Tower of Guns Review

Added: 15.04.2015 12:21 | 4 views | 0 comments

JBH reviews 'Tower of Guns', the indie first-person shooter available now on PS Plus.

Tags: Tower, Gulf
From: n4g.com

Tower of Guns review | Official Xbox Magazine

Added: 15.04.2015 11:17 | 16 views | 0 comments

OXM: The first thing you notice in Tower of Guns is the lack of a lock-on feature. Unlike Call of Duty, Battlefield and more, you cant simply snap to the enemy and take them out. Its back to the old-school free-aim for you. The weak will find it jarring and dismiss it instantly, but the strong will be in for a much needed breath of fresh air in the shooter genre.

From: n4g.com

Tower Of Guns Review | Mouse N Joypad

Added: 15.04.2015 11:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

MNJ: I have spent most of my gaming life playing some kind of shooter, whether its a first person shooter like Call of Duty and Borderlands, a third person shooter like Gears of War or even games like Resident Evil and Metal Gear. It is safe to say that the shooting genre is my preferred choice of game and while I do have other interests within the computing world there is a special place on my hard drive for them.

From: n4g.com

Tower of Guns Review | High-Def

Added: 15.04.2015 11:17 | 17 views | 0 comments

HD: 'Tower of Guns' was created by one guy - Joe Mirabello of Terrible Posture Games. Mirabello was laid off during the 38 Studios debacle of 2012 when the state of Rhode Island tried to fund a video game company that had been created by a professional baseball player, and the studio then went bankrupt. Im not making this up. Mirabello decided to go on his own, and released 'Tower of Guns' for PC back in 2014. Now it has been ported over to the Xbox One.

From: n4g.com

Review: Tower Of Guns (Xbox One) | Purexbox

Added: 15.04.2015 11:17 | 5 views | 0 comments

Purexbox: Tower of Guns is a very simple game at its core. You play the protagonist, running through room after room of the eponymous tower, shooting anything mechanical that tries to do you harm. Once you've cleared a room, you shoot the door and move into another one to do the same, then repeat until you meet a boss character. Beat a boss and you're onto the next level, which is a case of doing the same thing again.

Tags: Onto, Xbox, Been, Tower, Gulf
From: n4g.com

Tower of Guns PS4 Review: Random Fun | USGamer

Added: 15.04.2015 11:17 | 6 views | 0 comments

USGamer: It's an inauspicious beginning: entering a building that is essentially bullet hell armed with just a single-shot peashooter. Yet within moments, that peashooter begins to slowly, but surely evolve into something more robust for the task in hand: getting to the top of the eponymous Tower of Guns.

Tags: Tower, Gulf
From: n4g.com

Tower of Guns Review - ThisGenGaming

Added: 15.04.2015 10:18 | 9 views | 0 comments

While this game does have some of replay ability. Its the line of trying to beat your time than actually adding new material to the gameplay. For a price of 15 dollars this game does not have the depth that it needs to sustain a purchase. While this game does have a good concept the execution is lackluster and is a wasted opportunity on a new take on gaming.

From: n4g.com

Lumini Coming This Summer, Teaser Video Revealed

Added: 15.04.2015 10:06 | 8 views | 0 comments

Guid a swarm of Lumini in an adventurous world with lots to explore

From: www.gamershell.com

Atelier Shallie: A Gust Game Through and Through | Siliconera

Added: 14.04.2015 7:18 | 22 views | 0 comments

Atelier Shallie follows all the same beats that all their past games have, and that includes both the positives and negatives.

Tags: Gain, Atelier, Gulf
From: n4g.com

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