Average Heroes of the Storm games are lasting longer
Added: 18.08.2015 10:20 | 7 views | 0 comments
One of the big selling points of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm when it was first released, was that unlike League of...
| Heroes of the Storm guide: a Blizzard designers tips for playing Kharazim, Rexxar, Artanis
Added: 17.08.2015 21:18 | 39 views | 0 comments
GamesBeat: We asked designer Kent-Erik Hagman from Blizzard Entertainment to tell us his best tips for playing the new content that the publisher announced at GamesCom for the free-to-play massive online battle arena game. (See our story on the announcement.) This includes the heroes Kharazim, Rexxar, Artanis, and the StarCraft medic; and the Infernal Shrines map.
| Moderate amount of cleavage and more detailed for Dragon Quest Heroes on PS4
Added: 17.08.2015 19:18 | 6 views | 0 comments
The ESRB has revealed some details, including Moderate amount of cleavage, in regards to the content from Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below on PlayStation 4.
| Pilot Heroes
Added: 17.08.2015 16:19 | 9 views | 0 comments
A multi-level arcade flying game where you must extinguish fires, avoid trees, chase other planes and a whole bunch of other missions! Collecting gems increases your pilot ranking and there is a log book to track progress. Play Pilot Heroes now!
| 3D Gunstar Heroes Launching On The 3DS eShop In Europe This Week
Added: 17.08.2015 11:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
3D Gunstar Heroes will be released later this week on the European 3DS eShop. This version of the Treasure shooter features with 3D support
| Average Heroes of the Storm games are lasting longer
Added: 17.08.2015 10:19 | 9 views | 0 comments
One of the big selling points of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm when it was first released, was that unlike League of...
| Nintendo Download: 20th August (Europe)
Added: 17.08.2015 9:40 | 15 views | 0 comments

The Bridge, ZaciSa, Wario, 3D Gunstar Heroes and more
| Average Heroes of the Storm games are lasting longer
Added: 16.08.2015 22:19 | 5 views | 0 comments
One of the big selling points of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm when it was first released, was that unlike League of...
| 13 Screenshots of Dragon Quest VIII 3DS Port
Added: 15.08.2015 15:00 | 27 views | 0 comments
Square Enix is giving Japan a hot ending to the gaming summer with Dragon Quest VIII PS2-to-3DS port. Here are some screenshots of the new version, which releases Aug. 27 in its homeland.
More Dragon Quest:
Dragon Quest Heroes No-Score Review (PS4)
Dragon Quest XI Revealed for PS4 and 3DS
Dragon Quest Builders Marries DQ to Minecraft
Tags: Heroes, Japan, Quest, Review, Help, Screenshots, Most, Square, Enix, Dragon, Square Enix, Score, Revealed
| Average Heroes of the Storm games are lasting longer
Added: 14.08.2015 17:21 | 11 views | 0 comments
One of the big selling points of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm when it was first released, was that unlike League of...
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