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Destiny The King's Fall Raid Beaten Hours After Launch

Added: 19.09.2015 18:42 | 121 views | 0 comments

Destiny's top players have once again proven that they're equal to any challenge the game can throw at them. A group of gamers beat the new King's Fall raid, part of new expansion The Taken King, just hours after its launch.


Destiny: The Taken King Review | Hardcore Gamer

Added: 19.09.2015 15:19 | 114 views | 0 comments

Destiny: The Taken King has arrived one year after the polarizing Destiny and its two disappointing DLC packs. After beating the lackluster story, Destiny offered little for players to do except pray to RNGesus that a certain piece of loot would drop. DLC packs The Dark Below and The House of Wolves added a few new story missions, maps, two modes, a raid and a new hub world, but neither added enough to the endgame to make Destiny worth playing for hours on end. From day one, Bungies mantra with The Taken King was to address the problems of year one. Have Bungie done enough to bring disillusioned Guardians back to the light?


Free Game Friday: The Witch's House

Added: 19.09.2015 7:17 | 103 views | 0 comments

You neednt part with all your hard-earned cash to play great games. Free Game Friday is a new weekly feature where GameSpew celebrate the wonder of, believe it or not, free games! Emily at GameSpew writes: "The Witchs House is a PC horror game made in RPG Maker. I know these game arent everyones cup of tea but trust me when I tell you, you have to play this one. Both gloriously terrifying and utterly heart-racing, this seemingly simplistic little game will make your palms sweat and your legs jig."


A Dozen Hours Into Destiny: The Taken King, and Bungies Shooter Is Finally Proving Its Worth

Added: 19.09.2015 6:19 | 77 views | 0 comments

The game's first year was a mixed bag, but now 'Destiny' is living up to its blockbuster potential.

Tags: House, Into

PlayStation VR Will Cost As Much As A Console

Added: 18.09.2015 22:10 | 124 views | 0 comments

If you’re planning on picking up a PlayStation VR headset next year, you might want to start saving up your allowance, as Sony Computer Entertainment Chief Executive Officer Andrew House is claiming it will be “priced as a new gaming platform.”


Destiny the Taken King and 5 Reasons To Maybe Not Change Your Voice Actor

Added: 18.09.2015 18:19 | 92 views | 0 comments

OX writes: "Destiny expansion The Taken King is the nearest thing to Destiny 2 we've had so far, coming after more limited DLC packs The Dark Below and House of Wolves. It brings a new location, more missions, more subclasses and, controversially, less Peter Dinklage. Show of the Week examines The Taken King and reasons to consider not swapping out your voice actor, game developers."


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