USA Weekly Charts, 14th February 2015
Added: 27.02.2015 16:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
USA Hardware by Platform
3DS 157,689 (+448%) 14,632,776
PS4 61,992 (+12%) 7,147,579
XOne 56,380 (+12%) 6,511,393
WiiU 30,573 (+30%) 3,912,755
X360 17,438 (+16%) 44,405,509
PS3 13,395 (+13%) 26,652,706
PSV 5,196 (+11%) 2,061,044
USA Software:
1 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)
2 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)
3 Evolve (XOne)
4 Evolve (PS4)
5 Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)
Tags: Mask, With, February, There, Ultimate, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Legend, X360, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto
| Nintendo Feed Podcast: February 2015
Added: 27.02.2015 5:09 | 8 views | 0 comments
February has well and truly been an exciting month in the world of Nintendo. Join the Nintendo Feed team as we cast our opinions across the releases of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and more. Prepare for one truly packed podcast.
| A big 2015 for Avalanche Studios "certainly wasn't planned"
Added: 26.02.2015 21:09 | 10 views | 0 comments
GRTV caught up with Avalanche co-founder Christofer Sundberg to talk about the Just Cause franchise and the studio:
"Like many things at Avalanche it was certainly nothing that we planned," says Sundberg with a smile. "It just happened to be that way. But 2015 is a huge year, but also with great success comes great responsibility to take the studio to the next level. So it's not only the pressure of having two big games being released in the same year. Also adds pressure to the studio to evolve and we're expanding our self-publishing business quite a lot with The Hunter and theHunter: Primal as sort of the foundation for that. We're releasing our first mobile game this year and we hope to expand that business a little bit while we're keeping on with the bigger AAA projects."
| Nintendo Releases PAX East 2015 Lineup
Added: 26.02.2015 13:30 | 15 views | 0 comments
Nintendo will be back at the Penny Arcade Expo this year in Boston, and they are bringing some big games along with them. The only Wii U game is Splatoon, but that is a big one. They are also bringing the New 3DS XL units with Code Name S.T.E.A.M., The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, [...]
Tags: Nintendo, Mask, Arcade, Easy, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Legend, Released, Code, PAX East, Nail, East 2013, Expo
| STR CAST EP33: Minecraft-ed
Added: 26.02.2015 6:10 | 7 views | 0 comments
In this MINECRAFTED episode, Jack, Ricardo the nerds discuss: Minecraft, Mirrors Edge, Castle Crashers, Destiny, Monster Hunter and much more
HOSTS: Brian Acebedo, Salvador Madrigal, Samson Lancaster
Guest Hosts: Jack Ricardo
Music: n8bit
Shout Outs: Brandi of GamersTable Podcast
| Nathan Fillion References Destiny in Latest Episode of Castle
Added: 25.02.2015 12:13 | 0 views | 0 comments
Nathan Fillion, who plays Hunter Vanguard Clayde-6 in Destiny, is at throwing around some intertextual referencing once again. This time, instead of the usual Firefly reference, he opted for name-dropping Destiny in the latest episode of the crime drama Castle. And its just as awesome as you think.
| Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Review | GES
Added: 25.02.2015 12:10 | 8 views | 0 comments
GES Writes: "With the release of the New Nintendo 3DS and XL was a new version release of Monster Hunter 4. They added some improvements to go with the new handheld, for instance moving your camera view with the new right c stick. The Monster Hunter series is a great seller especially in Japan, it is an action RPG and is a bit different form your normal or western games in the same genre. You play as a hunter and as the name implies you hunt monsters. There are tons of quests and hunts to go on and will keep you busy for hours. The game takes a bit of getting used to, the tutorial helps but it only takes you so far the rest you have to figure out for yourself. There is a lot to read and in the beginning I didnt like the game and style that much but the longer I played the better it got."
| Nathan Fillion References Destiny in Latest Episode of Castle
Added: 25.02.2015 11:10 | 0 views | 0 comments
Nathan Fillion, who plays Hunter Vanguard Clayde-6 in Destiny, is at throwing around some intertextual referencing once again. This time, instead of the usual Firefly reference, he opted for name-dropping Destiny in the latest episode of the crime drama Castle. And its just as awesome as you think.
| Review: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Sound the Hunting Horn | DualShockers
Added: 24.02.2015 21:10 | 7 views | 0 comments
Allisa James from DualShockers reviews Monster Hunter 4 Ultmate, developed and published by Capcom for 3DS.
She analyzies the latest installment in the highly popular and successful series to find out whether it manages to improve on its predecessors in any meaningful way.
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