Uncharted 4 Extended Gameplay Demo Impressions at E3 2015
Added: 16.06.2015 23:15 | 4 views | 0 comments
We saw an extended version of Uncharted 4’s press conference demo at E3 2015. We tell you what happened in it and ask: was there too much action?
| Street Fighter V First Impressions from @UltraDavid
Added: 16.06.2015 12:16 | 10 views | 0 comments
Some early impressions from respected Street Fighter community member/commentator David Graham.
| E3 2015: Hands-on Impressions of Ubisoft's For Honor | IGN
Added: 16.06.2015 10:16 | 12 views | 0 comments
One of the big surprises of E3 2015 has been Ubisofts reveal of For Honor. Ubisoft Montreals 4v4 vikings/knights/samurai game provides the intense multiplayer competitiveness of a shooter with the melee finesse of third-person action game. Its a weird thing understand from just seeing the footage that aired during Ubisofts Press Conference. Luckily, two of us went hands-on with 2016 game -- we both played as knights, the only type of character available at this preview event -- and lived to tell the story.
| Ubisoft E3 2015 Press Conference Impressions Fractured, but whole?
Added: 16.06.2015 1:16 | 10 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn: Ubisoft had a lot to prove this year following their many embarrassing mistakes in 2014. Did they make up for it at E3 2015?
The three of us have very different opinions on whether they pulled it off or not, and whether this was a highlight of the day or the weakest show so far.
| EA E3 2015 Press Conference Impressions - great highlights, shame about the rest of it
Added: 15.06.2015 23:16 | 6 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn: EA basically just had to show up to beat last year's terrible press conference, and to their credit, they brought plenty of games to show this time. Though sports and mobile featured heavily, they opened and closed the show with the Sci-Fi juggernauts of Mass Effect and Star Wars, while providing some interesting tidbits in between. Also, Pelé was there.
It was an... interesting... experience. The three of us put our heads together to try and make some sense out of it.
| Bethesda E3 Showcase: Roundtable Impressions | "Nothing will beat that this year"
Added: 15.06.2015 6:16 | 12 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn: So, that just happened. Bethesda just wrapped things up at their first ever E3 showcase and frankly, we're stunned. Fallout 4 is coming THIS YEAR on November 10th. The lengthy collection of demos went into detail on new elements for the series and Carl and myself have quite simply been rocked and are fully wired despite it ending well after 4am UK time. There was also a strong showing from the likes of Doom and Battlecry. Oh, and Dishonored II was announced. Fallout 4 was that impressive, that new Dishonored II is a footnote in this paragraph. Well, here's our extensive roundtable impressions piece.
| MGS V: The Phantom Pain Gameplay Impressions - 5 Things You Need To Know | PlayStation Access
Added: 11.06.2015 20:16 | 11 views | 0 comments
PlayStation Access:
We've played Metal gear Solid V! Rob talks Dave through 5 things you need to know about Snake's new adventure - from extracting sheep to calling in support helicopters.
| LEGO Worlds First Impressions - IGN Plays
Added: 11.06.2015 18:15 | 14 views | 0 comments
Justin and Brian jump into LEGO Worlds completely blind. Can you punch trees? Let's find out!
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