Heroes of Might and Magic VII First Impressions Video Preview (GameWatcher)
Added: 09.04.2015 11:17 | 9 views | 0 comments
These wizards orc to know better. Nick Horth gives us his first impressions of Heroes of Might and Magic VII.
| Evolve April DLC Impressions Make or Break Time
Added: 08.04.2015 9:17 | 26 views | 0 comments
Austin Flynn writes: "This update comes on the heels of reports that the asymmetrical shooter has lost a large portion of its following and only has an average of 2,000 players on Steam at any one time even less than that of last year's single player title Alien: Isolation. Evolve community members have also shown dissatisfaction with some glitches in the game that hinder both hunter and monster players alike.
Despite such pessimism, we're going to delve into the hunters, monsters, pricing and a few notable glitches that you might want to know about before continuing with the game."
| Bloodborne: First Impressions From A First Timer
Added: 06.04.2015 19:17 | 33 views | 0 comments
SheAttack: As the title says, I am new to the Souls games. Although Bloodborne is technically not a true sequel to the series, it is seen as a successor in the eyes of many. I didnt know what to expect with Bloodborne other than its going to be hard and Im going to die a lot.
| Bloodborne First Impressions Gameplay Video
Added: 03.04.2015 6:17 | 9 views | 0 comments
A video which looks at the opening section of the PS4 exclusive Bloodborne offering some first impressions from the massive action role playing game.
| Coffin Dodgers Is Dead Good Fun | Impressions from My Games Lounge
Added: 03.04.2015 2:17 | 11 views | 0 comments
Impressions and Game Information for Coffin Dodgers, and Indie Game on Steam Early Access by Milky Tea Studio.
| MLB 15: The Show First Impressions | Can We Talk About The Loading Times?
Added: 02.04.2015 19:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
While many naysayers claim that new iterations of The Show are just glorified roster updates with a $60 price tag, its imperative to remember that San Diego Studio have less than a 1-year cycle to develop a new game and add as many features and improvements as possible.
| Skyforge Closed Beta Impressions | MMOGames
Added: 02.04.2015 18:18 | 17 views | 0 comments
Hail, Immortals! Closed Beta Test 2 of Skyforge has been running as of late. In case youre unfamiliar with it, Skyforge, brought to us by the Allods Team and Obsidian, is an action-oriented MMO that boasts a lot of flash, grit, and style, taking us to Aelion as immortals that protect mortals from various dangers in the wake of the disappearance of their god.
With its stunning visuals and unique MMO sylistics, it boasts the potential to be a great, if not excellent, title. Again, keep in mind that the game is still in closed beta, at least the English-speaking version, so expect many more improvements and changes from those observed at this time.
| Final Fantasy XV Demo Impressions | Mammoth Gamers
Added: 26.03.2015 21:18 | 39 views | 0 comments
There are many different fan camps when talking about Final Fantasy. Old school classics from the NES and SNES era, Playstation era games, current ones like 13 and the MMO, A Realm Reborn. However you enjoy your Final Fantasy experience, one thing is almost certain; when playing the Final Fantasy XV Demo , this is not the game that anyone was expecting.
| Bloodborne Hands On First Impressions | Mammoth Gamers
Added: 26.03.2015 18:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
The long awaited Bloodborne is out on PS4 and Justin got to spend some quality time with it last night on his Twitch. He will say from someone who is not a large fan of previous From Software titles he has enjoyed every moment so far. The first thing that he noticed that while it shares so many aspects of the Souls games in, Bloodborne is a whole new demon itself and feels like a new IP. He is not someone who enjoys playing the Souls game as much as the rest of them.
| A Dota Player's First Impressions of Heroes of the Storm
Added: 26.03.2015 0:18 | 11 views | 0 comments
BNR: Its been a while since another MOBA really caught my eye- Dota 2 is my main game, and Ive been popping into League of Legends from time to time in order to learn a thing or two (I have some friends who play) and I at least tried my hand at Dawngate before the game shut down.
Not too long ago, Blizzard announced that theyd be trying their hand at everybodys favorite new genre with a MOBA called Heroes of the Storm, a game that combines characters from Blizzards various games (Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, etc.). As a fan of Dota 2, I have some familiarity with MOBAs- Ill be talking about my first impressions of HotS from my perspective as a Dota 2 player. Please keep in mind that these are first impressions- these are just the things Ive noticed and my initial feelings about the game. As I play more of the game, my feelings may change, so if youre a big fan of HotS, please forgive me if Ive missed or misinterpreted some aspect of the game.
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