Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae Impressions Next-Gen Fantasy | The Koalition
Added: 20.03.2015 18:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
Tony Polanco from The Koalition writes:
"Ill admit it, I bought Final Fantasy Type-0 HD mainly to get my mitts on the demo for Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae. Can you blame me? Im a Final Fantasy fan and any offline numbered entry in the series will get me worked up more than a chocobo who stumbled into a field of Gysald Greens. I played this demo twice so that I could fully grasp what the upcoming game will be like. Lets dive right in and dissect this baby."
| Grand Theft Auto Online Heists Impressions Worth the Wait | The Koalition
Added: 18.03.2015 23:21 | 16 views | 0 comments
Tony Polanco from The Koalition writes:
"Even when Grand Theft Auto Onlines Heists were released last Tuesday, I had a hard time believing it. Could you blame me? Rockstar announced several (false) release dates for this highly anticipated mode so my skepticism was understandable. It wasnt until my podcast mate Brett Murdock called to tell me that Heists were launched that I finally believed it.
Now that Ive spent a week playing themand have lost many hours of sleep in the processI wanted to tell you guy what Heists is all about. Was this DLC worth it? As the title of this article says, it sure was."
Tags: Torn, Online, Evil, World, Wake, There, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Could, Rockstar, Impressions
| Toren is Stunning, Kyn is Addictive Afro Samurai 2 is Fun | VS Evil at Rezzed
Added: 18.03.2015 14:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Impressions of VS Evil games from EGX Rezzed including Toren, the adventure from Brazil Devlopers Swordtales. Kyn and RPG with RTS combat, Afro Samurai 2 the sequel to the awesome action game from 2009. Plus a look at Armikrog from the creators of Earthworm Jim.
| HTC Vive First Impressions | TrustedReviews
Added: 18.03.2015 1:18 | 14 views | 0 comments
See how the HTC Vive is better than other VR systems with these first impressions.
| Adventures of Pip - First Impressions (PAX East 2015)
Added: 17.03.2015 17:23 | 19 views | 0 comments
If you have been gaming for several years, you know what the jump from 8-bit to 16-bit was all about. Adventures of Pipwalks you through that transition in a game.Pip lives in a world where your social status depends on your resolution. He starts out as a single pixel, but over time, he will gain the ability to evolve to [...]
| Chariot - First Impressions (PAX East 2015)
Added: 17.03.2015 16:24 | 17 views | 0 comments
?? A princess and her fiancé are on their way to bury the king's remains in a worthy tomb, but there are greedy looters attempting to steal your loot. Chariotis a humorous platformer that challenges your skills and timing. It is built for two-player co-op, which both adds to the challenge and makes it a bit more difficult (a la [...]
| Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition - First Impressions (PAX East 2015)
Added: 17.03.2015 16:19 | 17 views | 0 comments
Impressions of the Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition demo from PAX East 2015.
| Toto Temple Deluxe - First Impressions (PAX East 2015)
Added: 17.03.2015 15:24 | 16 views | 0 comments
First impressions from the Toto Temple Deluxe demo at PAX East 2015.
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