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News with tag Impressions  RSS
Short Pause Podcast #11: Game Awards Recap, PSX Keynote, Square Enix Ripping Hearts Out Everywhere

Added: 11.12.2014 1:11 | 1 views | 0 comments

The Short Pause staff recaps the wild gaming weekend comprised of the The 2014 Game Awards as well as the PlayStation Experience. Topics include: Impressions of the newly revamped Game Awards show, breakdown of the PlayStation Experience keynote presentation, Square Enix trolling Final Fantasy VII fans everywhere, and Nintendo's strong 2015 line-up!


Soul Axiom Early Access Impressions | Gaming Enthusiast

Added: 11.12.2014 1:11 | 1 views | 0 comments

Peter M. from Gaming Enthusiast takes on the early access title, Soul Axiom. He writes: "Soul Axiom is an intriguing puzzle adventure with an eerie aura that follows suit throughout the early access. Theres a number of issues and sometimes the game can be boring or irritating but the mysterious underlying story can keep you chugging a long as you piece together everything thats going on."


Short Pause Podcast #11: Game Awards Recap, PSX Keynote, Square Enix Ripping Hearts Out Everywhere

Added: 11.12.2014 1:11 | 1 views | 0 comments

The Short Pause staff recaps the wild gaming weekend comprised of the The 2014 Game Awards as well as the PlayStation Experience. Topics include: Impressions of the newly revamped Game Awards show, breakdown of the PlayStation Experience keynote presentation, Square Enix trolling Final Fantasy VII fans everywhere, and Nintendo's strong 2015 line-up!


Sunset Overdrive Weapon Pack: Hands-On Impressions | Entertainment Buddha

Added: 09.12.2014 0:11 | 2 views | 0 comments

Entertainment Buddha's Owen Hibbert writes: "I recently got my hands on the four new weapons, and so I shall detail them and my opinions to help you make the decision. The weapons themselves unlock from the get-go and so playing through the story or buying with overcharge is not necessary, a touch I found particularly alluring."


Uncharted 4 Gameplay Impressions And Analysis

Added: 08.12.2014 3:11 | 7 views | 0 comments

With Uncharted 4: A Thief's End gameplay being revealed at Sony's Playstation Experience, this video looks at how Naughty Dog have embraced the changes to modern shooters and developed forward using mechanics from The Last of Us to deliver a gritty and more humanised take on the series. Nathan Drake is older and rustier, but ironically for the better.


First Impressions Episode 12: Warface

Added: 23.11.2014 18:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

Warface, the free-to-play, first-person shooter, is available via Steam, but is it worth your time. Our First Impressions should help you decided whether to download


Dragon Age: Inquisition PC Port Impressions | IncGamers

Added: 21.11.2014 20:11 | 6 views | 0 comments

IncGamers takes a look at the specifics of Dragon Age: Inquisition's PC port.


Far Cry 4 PC Port Impressions | IncGamers

Added: 21.11.2014 20:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

IncGamers reports back on how Far Cry 4's PC port holds up. From the article: "Its pretty scalable, with a whole page-and-a-half of options that you can tweak to your liking. Most come in Low, Medium, High, and Ultra settings, although there are a few Very High options scattered about in there too. Amusingly, the Graphics Quality toggle which automatically sets things up for you offers an Nvidia setting, which is actually above Ultra."


World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor First Impressions | Den of Geek US

Added: 19.11.2014 3:11 | 3 views | 0 comments

While Den of Geek is not prepared to give a final verdict, Den of Geek does have LOTS of thoughts on World of Warcraft's latest expansion, Warlords of Draenor!


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