ShakesPub First Impressions of Depth- Sharks vs Divers Equals Crazy Fun
Added: 20.10.2014 15:12 | 4 views | 0 comments
Shakespub had the opportunity to try out Depth which is set to release next month on Steam. Play as a Great White shark or diver and experience some intense multiplayer carnage.
| Coming Out Simulator Impressions [The Reticule]
Added: 19.10.2014 8:12 | 6 views | 0 comments
Nick writes on The Reticule "Coming Out Simulator is a deeply personal interactive tale about a young man making the decision to come out to his family. Set across the family dinner table one ordinary evening, the words he chooses to break the news to his parents are up to you. Do you try and gently nudge your mother towards making her own conclusions, or do you just bite the bullet and break the news?"
| My Impressions of Destiny's Queen's Wrath and Iron Banner Events
Added: 18.10.2014 18:12 | 1 views | 0 comments
Destiny's first two big events are over, "The Queen's Wrath" and "Iron Banner". These are my impressions over these two events.
| Far Cry 4 Preview: GamesCom 2014 Impressions | TR
Added: 16.10.2014 16:19 | 1 views | 0 comments
The basis of Far Cry 4 still remains a explorative run-and-gun affair, much as it has been in previous entries in this series. The nuts and bolts of Far Cry havent been changed all that much for its fourth installment; theres very definitely an if-it-aint-broke-dont-fix-it atmosphere to the proceedings. Its almost as though Ubisoft are content to stick to a lucrative business model than run the risk of losing audience numbers by genuinely trying any innovation.
| IndieCade 2014 Nuclear Throne Impressions | TwoDashStash
Added: 12.10.2014 14:15 | 9 views | 0 comments
Nuclear Throne, the anticipated rogue-like top-down shooter by Vlambeer, was a total blast. From the name, you would expect something simple. However, the game delivered some adrenaline-pumping action when we played it on the PS4 at this years IndieCade.
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