Tuesday, 18 March 2025
News with tag Impressions  RSS
Heroes of the Storm Alpha: Impressions So Far

Added: 01.10.2014 23:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

HotsThoughts takes a look back at how the Heroes of the Storm Alpha has been as the game heads towards the final phase of the Alpha

From: n4g.com

First Impressions - Shadow of Mordor

Added: 01.10.2014 14:19 | 1 views | 0 comments

Shadow of Mordor has a slow beginning and puts you into the game pretty quick believes Ian Koehler. Pretty much its a tutorial that wont let you openly explore until you complete it, but it gives you a little detail about Talion and his family. It gets straight to the point. The problem with this is that Ian has no idea what is going on from the start! But as the game progresses he's slowly learning more. The story is deep and actually made his jaw drop at something so obvious it was going to happen a week before the game came out. Maybe thats just Ian, or maybe other people had the same reaction.

From: n4g.com

The Crew Closed Beta Impressions Show Amazing Game of the Year Potential | Twinfinite

Added: 01.10.2014 7:12 | 5 views | 0 comments

Twinfinite: We got to play through the closed beta of Ubisoft's The Crew, and we were very impressed.

From: n4g.com

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor First Impressions and Gameplay Video | The Koalition

Added: 01.10.2014 0:12 | 7 views | 0 comments

The Koalition's Tony Polanco writes: "Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is now out in the wild and people are getting their first taste of this (surprisingly) good game. The embargo for live streaming lifted last night so I hopped on Twitch to play for an hour and change. In the video above, you can see many of the games mechanics and see how dynamic the world can be. As for what I think so far? If you couldnt tell from how amused I was during this playthrough, Im really liking it. I was impressed with what I saw of it during a live demonstration I attended during E3 and am glad that the final product lives up to the potential I saw."

From: n4g.com

WWE 2K15 Hands-On Impressions + Gameplay Trailer I The Koalition

Added: 28.09.2014 21:12 | 7 views | 0 comments

Carl Daniel of The Koalition writes: Much like WWE programming, the quality of wrestling games has been on a decline over the past few years. WWE 12 claimed to be Bigger, Badder and Better, WWE 13 promised a Revolution and the 2K branding in WWE 2K14 implied nothing short of greatness! Unfortunately for wrestling fans, each of those games failed to meet expectation and were disappointments in the gameplay, audio and visual departments. With that in mind youll forgive my skepticism when Yukes vowed to right all of their wrongs with the release of WWE 2K15. But after sitting down with the game earlier this week, I can honestly say Im starting to Bo-lieve.

From: n4g.com

DSOGaming FIFA 15 First Impressions + Manchester United versus Manchester City

Added: 28.09.2014 14:12 | 12 views | 0 comments

EA Sports was kind enough to provide us with a PC Review Key for FIFA 15, and below you can read below our first impressions. The PC version of FIFA 15 is based on the current-gen version, meaning that PC gamers will be able to enjoy top visuals as well as all the benefits introduced by the IGNITE Engine.

From: n4g.com

The Crew First Impressions from EGX 2014 | MMO-Play

Added: 27.09.2014 14:12 | 8 views | 0 comments

The racing mmo genre is a bit of a touchy subject. Among the mmorpg purists, a true mmo requires a few stable keystones - a class system, an expansive virtual world, the ability to collect, loot and customize characters and, of course, interactivity with a wealth of other players. The Crew has a mission to change these things and, at the Eurogamer Expo, it has shown London exactly how it'll do it.

From: n4g.com

Flash Impressions from TGS 2014 (Five Titles + Trailers) | AUTOMATON

Added: 24.09.2014 12:13 | 4 views | 0 comments

AUTOMATON's Graham Arthur offers up some quick first impressions of a few of the games he was able to try out at the 2014 Tokyo Game Show. Includes notes and official trailers for Final Fantasy Explorers, Chaos Rings 3, The Evil Within ("Psycho Break"), Dead or Alive 5: Last Round, and Battlefield: Hardline.

From: n4g.com

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