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Destiny Early Impressions - Its Everything We Hoped, Just Needs Minor Updates

Added: 13.09.2014 10:13 | 1 views | 0 comments

Cinelinx - " Destiny finally hit shelves this week and weve been hard at work with a review for everyone, but we want to fully grasp this game. It is so massive that it just seems unfair to get a taste of things and then review it based on that small portion. So with that we are giving you some early impressions of the game! We have all played several hours and be sure to come back to the article through the weekend to see even more opinions from the Cinelinx crew! "


Hands-on Impressions of Dont Starve Together From PAX 2014 | Entertainment Buddha

Added: 12.09.2014 22:12 | 7 views | 0 comments

EB's Matt Heywood writes, "Thanks to the success and rabid fan base of Dont Starve, Klei Entertainment is taking the franchise in a new direction by including multiplayer in the latest expansion to the single-player title called Dont Starve Together. Adventurous gamers can now struggle to keep their little digital sprites alive with up to three other players trying to survive on the same map. Players can choose to work together by sharing supplies and pooling resources to build a small community to ensure everyones safety at night, and to keep everyone well fed. Although, if youre more of a lone wolf or a psychopath, you can also choose to attack the other players to plunder their resources and turn them into ghosts. Just having other players on the map at the same time opens up a litany of gameplay options and moral choices, which makes Dont Starve Together a highly engaging if not paranoid experience."


My Journey Into Destiny First Impressions of Bungies New Epic

Added: 12.09.2014 17:19 | 8 views | 0 comments

Game Rant's Rob Keyes writes "Destiny looks and plays well, especially when it comes to the co-op Strike missions against larger and more difficult enemies, but its story is lacking and burdened by repetition and a lack of creativity. Theres not necessarily much newness when it comes to what the game offers, and thats not a bad thing in and of itself, but the missions from an objective standpoint are boring, so it comes down to the action and who youre playing with. What is there is a solid framework to build from in expansions and sequels. Its up to you to make the best of what Destiny currently offers and the good news is that even though the Raids arent even in the game yet, I am eager to get back in with some fellow Game Rant Guardians, and thats what its really about, so stay tuned for more as we begin our quest for Legendary Gear and try out the competitive multiplayer."


Destiny Review Impressions - Part Two | Customising the Experience

Added: 11.09.2014 23:13 | 2 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn: Hello there Traveller! Welcome to Day Two of our ongoing series of critical vidcasts regarding Destiny. Yesterday, Carl and I shared our initial thoughts on the retail version of the game, delighting in the game's exquisite gunplay and lamenting the empty feeling of the game worlds. Today, it's all about customisation. We talk about character creation and classes before moving onto equipment, upgrading gear and the economies present in the game, and also assessing Destiny's approach to dispensing loot.


Destiny Review Impressions - Part One | Feeling Good

Added: 11.09.2014 13:13 | 5 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn: "Bungie basically laughed in the face of conventional review-making earlier this week, surfing into town on a swagalicious wave of money and hype. So, given that conventional reviews are sort of out of the window for this action-RPG-FPS-MMO hybrid, we thought we'd bring you a running commentary of our impressions and critical thoughts over the next few days by way of a daily vidcast."


Destiny - Day 1 Impressions | Geeks Under Grace

Added: 11.09.2014 10:13 | 2 views | 0 comments

Joe Morgan of Geeks Under Grace gives us his impressions of Destiny after digging in on launch day.


Hands-on Impressions of Extreme Exorcism From PAX Prime 2014 | Entertainment Buddha

Added: 11.09.2014 3:12 | 10 views | 0 comments

EB's Matt Heywood writes, "Fans of old school local multiplayer have an indie title to look forward to in Extreme Exorcism, which is a retro pixel art title from Golden Ruby Games for the PC. While at PAX Prime I got to hang out with the developers and played a feverish match of Extreme Exorcism, which is an arena-style platformer that forces you to have fast-twitch skills on the controller, as well as the ability to keep calm during the games frenetic action, which there is plenty of thanks to its core gameplay mechanic of using player clones as enemies."


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