Monday, 03 March 2025
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SOMA: The Kotaku Review

Added: 21.09.2015 14:17 | 133 views | 0 comments

Kotaku: Though jump scares are fun in the moment, they dont last. The best horror sticks with you long after the credits roll, an uneasy feeling that lingers uncomfortably in the moments before you fall asleep. Ive been thinking about what happened in SOMA for days now, especially the games closing minutes, and cant let it go. Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. If thats not a sign of success, Im not sure what is.


A spoiler-filled look at what was wrong with the story in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Added: 21.09.2015 10:19 | 143 views | 0 comments

Popoptiq: Just in case the title of the article didnt fully prepare you for whats going on here, allow me to spell it out; in this story there will be spoilers, lots of spoilers, perhaps even all of the spoilers for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. If youre enjoying the game and you dont want to know how it ends, why Quiet has to wear a bikini, or whether or not Drebin and his pet monkey time travel back to 1984 to explain some back story on the bosses for you, you should take this opportunity to abandon ship. Get out of here, and come back when youre done. Go on. Out with you. If youve finished the game, then feel free to stay, because in this article, well be talking about what went wrong with the story in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and there might even be a little baseless speculation as to why it went wrong, too.


Skylanders: SuperChargers Hats and Legendary Treasures Details Guide

Added: 21.09.2015 8:17 | 133 views | 0 comments

Just like the previous Skylanders in SuperChargers there are many items that you can get throughout your adventure, like Hatt, Legendary Treasures and Magic Items. Which will increase some of your stats in the game; like Armor, Critical Hit chance, elemental power and health.


Big Square Enix Sale 25% Off Phantom Pain Returns

Added: 20.09.2015 15:17 | 121 views | 0 comments

Hey its a Square Enix PC game sale! Yay! Oh its more of an Enix than Square sale. Okay. Tomb Raider GOTY returns for under $6 or you can grab the entire collection for $15. Usual suspects from Deus Ex, Hitman, and Just Cause series are also on sale.


Destiny: The Taken King - Uncommon Tips Before you Jump in

Added: 19.09.2015 8:25 | 94 views | 0 comments

Destiny: The Taken King is a breath of fresh air in an already fresh title. Yeah, thats how games are rolling nowadays. With the excitement of fresh and clean stuff comes the dreadfully slow part of grinding your to the top. Its usually easier the second time around, i.e, unless you have a little help before you even begin. Let the tips begin!

Tags: With, Jump, Time, Kids

Xbox Head Discusses Why Final Fantasy 14 is Not on Xbox One

Added: 19.09.2015 8:06 | 106 views | 0 comments

Click here to view original web page at"It's business" Yeah, business on MS's part, not the other platforms. I like how he conveniently swept under the rug the fact that one of the reasons it's not on the Xbox One is because MS isn't open to cross platform gameplay with the PS4 being involved. And to top it off he starts rambling off on third party exclusivity, followed by contradicting himself with talking about ROTR. Overall the article was written very strangely with little to no important info. Just an excerpt or two. SpaceRanger, If you don't want to [...]


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