Tuesday, 04 March 2025
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On Metal Gear Solid V, Mad Max and the Ethical Role of Reviewers

Added: 09.09.2015 16:17 | 85 views | 0 comments

Rich at GameSpew writes: "Last Tuesday saw the release of what for many will probably be the game of the year, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The latest entry in the highly regarded Metal Gear series, it was undoubtedly hyped beyond measure thanks to a constant barrage of media coverage about the game itself and the apparent fallout between its creator, Hideo Kojima, and his employer Konami. With mainstream press attending camps to review the game, before launch day it had already acquired a bewildering number of glowing reviews awarding the title 5/5 and 10/10 scores. Youd honestly believe it heralded a new age of videogames given the amount of praise bestowed upon it. Released on the same day, and therefore pretty much sent out to die, was a new game based on the Mad Max film franchise. Developed by Avalanche Studios of Just Cause fame, review copies for this title were sent out for the day of release, meaning that reviews trickled through shortly after its muted launch...

From: n4g.com

Kingdom Hearts 2.9 in the Works at Square Enix?

Added: 09.09.2015 14:56 | 56 views | 0 comments

It appears another Kingdom Hearts game may be in the works over at Square Enix, thanks to some revealing information on the LinkedIn page of a game designer from Osaka.

According to the Square Enix designer, he worked on a game called Kingdom Hearts 2.9 from August 2014 to June 2015. The platforms attached to the game include both PlayStation 3 and PS4, leading one to think this may be a compilation of the prior HD collections that released not too long ago on Sony's last-gen system. It sure would be a great way for those who've already made the next-gen jump a great way to revisit the earlier games before the release of Kingdom Hearts III.
Also See: Big Hero 6 Is Coming to Kingdom Hearts III
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts III, the listing also notes that the Gummi Ship will be featured in teh game, as well as possible involvement with Pixar. We've heard rumblings of added multiplayer in the past, which also gets a mention here.

From: www.gamerevolution.com

The Just Cause Movie Will Be Inspired by Just Cause 3

Added: 09.09.2015 13:30 | 8 views | 0 comments

Hitman: Agent 47 producer Adrian Askarieh explains why Just Cause could be an original type of action movie and why it's looking to Just Cause 3.

Tags: With, Jump
From: feeds.ign.com

Sega Fans Rejoice, Segata Sanshiro Is Resurrected In Project X Zone 2

Added: 09.09.2015 11:00 | 157 views | 0 comments

Article: Sega Fans Rejoice, Segata Sanshiro Is Resurrected In Project X Zone 2

Along with Captain Commando, June Lin Milliam and Heihachi Mishima

From: www.nintendolife.com

Sega Fans Rejoice, Segata Sanshiro Is Resurrected In Project X Zone 2

Added: 09.09.2015 11:00 | 162 views | 0 comments

News: Sega Fans Rejoice, Segata Sanshiro Is Resurrected In Project X Zone 2

Along with Captain Commando, June Lin Milliam and Heihachi Mishima

From: www.nintendolife.com

Frictional Games SOMA Just as Scary, if Not Even More So Than Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Added: 09.09.2015 7:17 | 9 views | 0 comments

OnlySP: If youre looking for a good horror game to get this holiday season started, Frictional Games may have just the game youre looking for.

Tags: Evil, Games, Daly, Jump, Most
From: n4g.com

Snake Rescues Hideo Kojima From Konami

Added: 09.09.2015 6:17 | 32 views | 0 comments

Kotaku: "Here, obtained by Kotaku, is exclusive footage of Venom Snake breaking into Konamis headquarters and extracting Metal Gear Solid designer Hideo Kojima from his office. Just kidding. Thats side-op 112 (Intel Agent Extraction) from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. But also its a pretty good metaphor. Youre free now, Kojima. Youre free."

From: n4g.com

Just Stop

Added: 09.09.2015 6:17 | 8 views | 0 comments

A plea to people who use gaming to abuse and belittle others to just stop.

Tags: Jump
From: n4g.com

Just How Far Could Virtual Reality Take Us?

Added: 09.09.2015 4:17 | 29 views | 0 comments

Whether it be to have fun playing videogames or for slightly more educational purposes the thought of what VR may one day evolve in to is truly staggering. Joseph only scratches the surface of how mind blowing he thinks VR will become and the possibilities truly are astounding. Weve come a mighty long way from a dot on a screen and heres to a very bright future indeed!

From: n4g.com

Just How Far Could Virtual Reality Take Us?

Added: 09.09.2015 3:17 | 9 views | 0 comments

Whether it be to have fun playing videogames or for slightly more educational purposes the thought of what VR may one day evolve in to is truly staggering. Joseph only scratches the surface of how mind blowing he thinks VR will become and the possibilities truly are astounding. Weve come a mighty long way from a dot on a screen and heres to a very bright future indeed!

From: n4g.com

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