Cliff Bleszinskis New Game LawBreakers Gets First Gameplay Trailer: Looks Awesome, Already Playable
Added: 28.08.2015 15:18 | 5 views | 0 comments
Cliff Bleszinskis LawBreakers was announced with a live action trailer, and this morning you saw the first glimpses of gameplay. Just two days after the official announcement, you get the very first gameplay trailer, showing what LawBreakers is all about.
| Hive Jump Is Bringing Multiplayer Run 'n' Gun Blasting To Wii U, As Well As amiibo Support
Added: 28.08.2015 9:30 | 9 views | 0 comments

Coming early 2016
| Shovel Knight Amiibo Figurine Officially Announced
Added: 28.08.2015 7:46 | 19 views | 0 comments

Nintendo, at a special pre-PAX Nindies@Night event at the EMP Museum in Seattle, has announced that Shovel Knight will be getting his very own amiibo!
This figurine from Yacht Glub Games unlocks "exclusive features" for the critically-acclaimed homage to retro gaming, for which we awarded 5 perfect stars in our review July last year.
| JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven adds DIO and Vanilla Ice
Added: 28.08.2015 5:20 | 16 views | 0 comments
DIO, from JoJos Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders, and Vanilla Ice, a Vampire Dio created, will be playable in JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, the latest issue of Jump magazine reveals.
| MGSV Pay to Win are Microtransactions in Full Price Games Ever OK?
Added: 28.08.2015 3:20 | 14 views | 0 comments
In this weeks Gamers of the Lost Spark Podcast : Another great game drops and with it comes great controversy as the Sparks discuss the news of microtransactions lurking within the most eagerly awaited title of the moment Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Pain. We suspected already but have Konami officially revealed that they are MGSVs real Evil Boss? Antony and Darren debate if this can ever be acceptable and at what point have these cash siphoning (allegedly optional) transactions crossed the line to intrude upon the players enjoyment.
Questions are also asked regarding using the RockBand 4 legacy adapter to use 360 controllers on the Xbox One, a disk-less Nintendo NX being a good thing and Just how much time have we Wasted on Destiny.
Tags: Evil, Nintendo, Games, Gear, Fuse, Jump, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Xbox, Prime, Another, Space, Ball, Lots, Gear Solid, The Phantom, Games, Podcast, Konami
| JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven adds DIO and Vanilla Ice
Added: 28.08.2015 3:18 | 14 views | 0 comments
DIO, from JoJos Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders, and Vanilla Ice, a Vampire Dio created, will be playable in JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, the latest issue of Jump magazine reveals.
| MGSV Pay to Win are Microtransactions in Full Price Games Ever OK?
Added: 28.08.2015 1:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
In this weeks Gamers of the Lost Spark Podcast : Another great game drops and with it comes great controversy as the Sparks discuss the news of microtransactions lurking within the most eagerly awaited title of the moment Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Pain. We suspected already but have Konami officially revealed that they are MGSVs real Evil Boss? Antony and Darren debate if this can ever be acceptable and at what point have these cash siphoning (allegedly optional) transactions crossed the line to intrude upon the players enjoyment.
Questions are also asked regarding using the RockBand 4 legacy adapter to use 360 controllers on the Xbox One, a disk-less Nintendo NX being a good thing and Just how much time have we Wasted on Destiny.
Tags: Evil, Nintendo, Games, Gear, Fuse, Jump, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Xbox, Prime, Another, Space, Ball, Lots, Gear Solid, The Phantom, Games, Podcast, Konami
| Game Scoop!: The Craziest Video Game Contests
Added: 27.08.2015 20:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
That real island you can win by playing Just Cause 3 isn't the first video game publicity stunt.
| Game Scoop!: The Craziest Video Game Contests
Added: 27.08.2015 20:18 | 17 views | 0 comments
That real island you can win by playing Just Cause 3 isn't the first video game publicity stunt.
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