Watch This Beautiful Forza 6 Direct-Feed Video
Added: 23.06.2015 0:22 | 9 views | 0 comments
It's always hard to judge just how good a game looks before it comes out. Streaming videos, no matter how high-quality, have compression artifacts that decrease the visual fidelity of the source material. That's why it's nice when a developer releases direct-feed footage available to download. in the game, including making it possible for cars to lose control due to puddles on the tracks. Keep an eye on GameSpot for more news about Forza 6 as it becomes available.
Watch This Beautiful Forza 6 Direct-Feed Video
Added: 23.06.2015 0:22 | 6 views | 0 comments
It's always hard to judge just how good a game looks before it comes out. Streaming videos, no matter how high-quality, have compression artifacts that decrease the visual fidelity of the source material. That's why it's nice when a developer releases direct-feed footage available to download. in the game, including making it possible for cars to lose control due to puddles on the tracks. Keep an eye on GameSpot for more news about Forza 6 as it becomes available.