Season Passes are Not Good for Gamers, says Hitman Dev
Added: 18.06.2015 19:02 | 7 views | 0 comments
The season pass has become a part of video games, like it or not. More than ever season passes accompany game releases, selling all the DLC for games up front. Not everyone in the industry is on board with this trend, however. , and later on IO will release a retail disk with all of the additional Hitman content. Keep an eye on GameSpot for all things Hitman in the coming months.
| Season Passes are Not Good for Gamers, says Hitman Dev
Added: 18.06.2015 19:02 | 7 views | 0 comments
The season pass has become a part of video games, like it or not. More than ever season passes accompany game releases, selling all the DLC for games up front. Not everyone in the industry is on board with this trend, however. , and later on IO will release a retail disk with all of the additional Hitman content. Keep an eye on GameSpot for all things Hitman in the coming months.
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