Sunday, 09 March 2025
News with tag Kickstarter  RSS
Review: Bastion (PlayStation 4) | Pushsquare

Added: 09.04.2015 15:17 | 20 views | 0 comments

PS: It's utterly amazing how much the indie game scene has changed since 2011. Sony has started to heavily promote teensy developers at major industry conferences, Valve's Steam Greenlight has allowed thousands to publish games for players to test before they're even finished, and Kickstarter has made it possible for runaway successes like the critically acclaimed Shovel Knight to get made. Nearly four years ago, this was unheard of, and this humble scribe was only dipping his toes into a couple of indie titles a year. One that caught your host's attention at the time was Supergiant Games' Bastion. And it ultimately managed to alter how this author thought about low budget, tiny games from that point forward. But after a prolonged absence from PlayStation platforms, is it still a must-play in 2015?



Added: 09.04.2015 13:17 | 9 views | 0 comments

Box Fort Games LLC, a husband and wife game studio has launched their Kickstarter campaign for their new game Bowbarian. Inspired by Saturday morning cartoons and story-driven gaming humor, Bowbarian is a 2D Top Down Story-Driven Action game about shooting, stomping and BOW-BLITERING monsters.


Polyball Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight Campaigns Underway, Screens/Trailer Revealed

Added: 09.04.2015 13:02 | 3 views | 0 comments

An action platformer that combines the classic mechanics of games like Marble Madness with contemporary digital art


Bowbarian Kickstarter Campaign Underway

Added: 09.04.2015 12:58 | 7 views | 0 comments

Inspired by Saturday morning cartoons and story-driven gaming humor


Genesis on Kickstarter Now

Added: 09.04.2015 11:17 | 3 views | 0 comments

In Genesis you are placed on a pre-flood earth with one goal, survive. You will gather resources or trade with developing cultures to build a home, a fort, or a city. The possibilities are only limited by your own creativity.


Bowbarian Kickstarter Trailer

Added: 09.04.2015 5:00 | 35 views | 0 comments

Bowbarian is a shooting, stomping, monster-crushing adventure inspired by Saturday morning cartoons.


The Beautifully Chaotic Insanity of Violent Little Things

Added: 08.04.2015 22:17 | 17 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "Have you noticed how lately Kickstarter has been going through a bit of a lull period? It's at times like this that I desperately click through every campaign multiple times, hoping that one will spontaneously wow me. One such campaign to get an excitable reaction form me is the one for Violent Little Things by Lorne Whiting. The concept seems pretty simple. You play as Novux, a Corsair mercenary tasked with simply receiving wreckage from an alien ship. Apparently, this ship is decked out with weird technology and creatures called Forgelings."


Classic Style Point Click Adventure Vincent the Vampire Returns

Added: 08.04.2015 20:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "Hey, do you remember a Kickstarter campaign from late last year named Vincent the Vampire? Despite looking like a fun new point and click adventure it unfortunately failed to reach its funding goal by a pretty large margin. Campaigns placed anytime around December seem to be much tougher propositions, though. Developer Intuit By Design have launched another Kickstarter to help give their game another chance at life. If you missed out on it the first time, the game tells the story of office worker Vincent. Upon realization that his life is meaingless and horrifically dull he decides to quit. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) right after this realization he is killed and turned into a vampire."


Pillars of Eternity Review | IncGamers

Added: 07.04.2015 22:17 | 6 views | 0 comments

Pillars of waiting an eternity for another Black Isle style RPG to show up, more like. Oh! Heres one now. IncGamers' Peter Parrish reviews Obsidian's Kickstarter funded RPG.


Atom Universe Passes Kickstarter Campaign, Aims for Simultaneous PC/PS4 Release

Added: 07.04.2015 17:17 | 2 views | 0 comments

VRFocus reports on the news that upcoming virtual reality (VR) compatible theme park videogame Atom Universe has passed its Kickstarter campaign.


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